Jeopardy Review
TermsTelevision Graphics Scenery & Design Name that Design
To guarantee the entire picture information is visible on the home screen, within what space must it be kept in?
Essential Area
To block the sides of a 16X9 screen to create a 4X3 aspect ratio is called this?
The picture area usually seen on the camera viewfinder and the preview monitor
Scanning area
This usually is a diagram of scenery and major set properties drawn on a grid?
Floor Plan
This is furniture and other objects used for set decorations by actors or performers.
This is the major factor in determining the aesthetic “energy” of a color?
All lettering should be contained in this area?
Essential Area
When this is done they will show a television with black bars at the top ad the bottom of the screen.
Show a wide screen movie on a standard TV screen
How does the aspect ratio of HDTV compare with that of a standard television screen
The HDTV ratio is more horizontally stretched.
This term is usually used when text is distorted, sometimes called pixelated
The most versatile background for a television Production?
A prop List contains this?
Hand props, set props, and set dressings
Major elements of a floor plan will show this on the floor plan?
Scenery and major set props
This is a free standing triangular set piece?
The best place to erect a small temporary interview set?
Where you can find appropriate lighting triangles.
Platform or Wagon
Hard Wall Set
Softwall Flat