Overview SB Traduction Project Management Translation Review (Independent) Desktop Publishing (DTP), if requested Proof-reading Edition: corrections, updates (localization) Delivery of translated files (validated during QA: review and proof-reading) Printing on request Translator(s)Client
Project Management - Reception of source files from Client - Analysis files, formats, volumes, tools, references, etc. - Memory new or supplied by Client - Quotation sent to Client
Translation - Source files translation kit - Files to Translate type, tools required, etc. - Bilingual References - Glossary - Memory - Instructions - Query Form
Review - Performed by Independent Reviewer(s) - Same material supplied translated files, source and references - Review Form completed by the reviewer
- Restitution of Source documents original format Desktop Publishing (DTP)
- Target File translated document compared to Source File Proof-reading
- Edition corrections, updates (localization) Edition
- Delivery of translated files validated during QA (review and proof-reading) Delivery to Client
- Printing on request Printing
SB Traduction Parc Technologique de la Pardieu 16 Avenue Leonard de Vinci Clermont-Ferrand - France Business Department: Technical Department: Linguistic Department: Fax: Thank you