Anorexia Warning Signs Dr Pooky Knightsmith
W HAT IS AN EATING DISORDER ? 3 major types Food and weight as a way of coping Serious mental health issue ANYONE can be affected Not all about appearances Low self-esteem
A NOREXIA N ERVOSA Low weight Fear of weight gain Influence of shape & weight Periods may stop in girls The thinner I got, the fatter I felt. I would look in the mirror and cry as I saw this ugly whale looking back at me
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Weight Loss (may be cleverly hidden…)
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Restricted Eating May cut out entire food groups – e.g. become vegetarian
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Strange Behaviour Calorie Counting
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Baggy Clothing Layers of Clothes
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Isolation Distances themselves from friends
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Avoiding PE to avoid weight loss detection or exercising hard to lose weight
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Dizziness due to low blood sugar Blue Hands due to cold
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Lifeless Hair Brittle Nails due to poor nutrition
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Chewing Gum To take mind off or replace food
A NOREXIA W ARNING S IGNS Can’t focus on School Work consumed with thoughts of food
W ARNING S IGNS S UMMARY Weight loss Restricted eating Skipping meals Strange behaviour Calorie counting Baggy clothing Layers of clothing Can’t focus in class Avoiding PE Over-exercising Dizziness & fainting Blue hands Lifeless hair Brittle nails Chewing gum
Need more support? Dr Pooky Knightsmith specialises in mental health and emotional well-being in the school setting. She can provide training sessions or workshops for school staff, parents or students on a variety of topics. For further information and free resources visit