Occupational Health Service H uman Resources Division Max Hill Occupational Health Advisor
Why have we changed the process? Data Protection Act 1998 Equality Act 2010 Ensuring consistency across UCL
Data Protection Act 1998 Adequate, relevant and not excessive Kept for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is being used Equality Act 2010 Cannot question about health status during application process, unless justifiable Cannot question about sickness absence during application process
Streamlining the process for all service users and creating consistency. The Job Hazard Form should be completed by following the link in SiP when loading on the employee’s employment details when relevant hazards have been identified.SiP LAA / Safety Critical Work / Human blood & tissue etc OHS contacts employee to arrange appropriate appointments and notifies department of outcomes. See OH website for full details and current form. Please delete any other style of forms you hold locally.
On-offer referral to OHS If the applicant declares health issues of concern after being offered the job (high sickness absence, chronic health problems) refer to OH using the new ‘On-offer referral form’. See website for full details and form. Contact: (020) Enquiries: