ETC/CCA Main activities Jan.-Jun Sergio Castellari (INGV/CMCC) ETC/CCA Manager Eionet WS on CCIVA Copenhagen, 24 June 2014 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
ETC/CCA Consortium: 14 Partners
ETC/CCA Consortium & Geographical Coverage 14 Partners
ETC/CCA Multiannual strategic objective The European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA) supports the EEA in informing policy development and implementation in the area of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (CCIVA) by means of data, information/indicators and assessments Policy processes to be supported EU 2013 Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Main EU environmental, sectoral and other policies that require mainstreaming of climate change adaptation (e.g Biodiversity Strategy, 2012 Water Blueprint, Water Framework Directive, Floods Directive, ICZM Strategy)
ETC/CCA 2014 Tasks Project Climate change and hazard indicators European climate change indicators Urban vulnerability indicators Copernicus climate change services Project Climate change adaptation and DRR assessments Climate change adaptation Urban adaptation Adaptation in transport Assessing Progress in Environmental Integration / TERM report Disaster risk reduction Workshops Project Information systems (Climate-ADAPT) Climate-ADAPT Project ETC management ETC/CCA management and coordination
Climate change and hazard indicators Update of European climate change indicators ‒ Updated CSI012 temperature data ‒ Updating and improving indicators of climate change impacts and vulnerability (including DRR) in the EEA IMS Improvement of urban vulnerability indicators ‒ Started improving urban vulnerability indicators fact sheets - descriptions, maps and filling gaps (in collaboration with ETC/SIA) ‒ Started updating the assessment and descriptive part of the Map Book based on the results from the urban vulnerability indicators Linking Copernicus climate change services & the Climate-ADAPT Platform ‒ Started developing a proposal on how to provide access to the Copernicus climate change service through Climate-ADAPT - content, linkages, functions, involved organisations, ways of implementation
Climate change adaptation Following up 2013 EEA “Adaptation in Europe” report EEA report “National adaptation policy processes across European countries ” Up-to-date information to support European policymakers and practitioners in the development, implementation and evaluation of national adaptation policies (NAS, NAP) and measures as response to climate change draft report now (June) under Eionet consultation publication planned for autumn 2014
Urban adaptation Following up 2012 EEA “Urban adaptation to climate change in Europe” report ETC/CCA Scoping Paper for a 2015/16 EEA report on urban adaptation ‒ contents/structure defined ‒ paper (being drafted) to be finalized in autumn 2014 supported EEA in organising the European segment of ICLEI 2014 Resilient Cities Conference (Bonn, May) improving the Climate-ADAPT section on urban areas (e.g. case studies, cities adaptation strategies).
Adaptation in transport Following up 2013 ETC/CCA Technical Paper on CCA in the transport sector… 2014 EEA report on “Adapting transport systems to changes in climate. Initial actions in Europe” Challenges and state of adaptation in the transport sector across EEA member countries illustrated by a selection of in-depth case studies prepared draft report publication planned for autumn 2014 after Eionet consultation (mid July, T.B.D.)
Disaster risk reduction Following up 2013 ETC/CCA Technical Papers on impacts of floods … 2014 Further improved Meta- Guidance on flood impacts Drafting Meta-Guidance on flood impacts (with an example) including analysis of data from EM-DAT, Munich Re. finalization planned for autumn 2014
Updating and improving Climate-ADAPT Supported development of new version of the Platform Regularly updated & QA/QCed content (through a team of 30 experts covering all sectors) Updated News/Events & Newsletter Updated Adaptation Support Tool Enhanced (new/improved/ harmonized) case studies Drafted ETC/CCA Technical Paper “Overview of climate change adaptation platforms/services in Europe” Defined outline of ETC/CCA Working Paper on analysis of use and possible improvements
Thanks For further information, visit ETC/CCA Website or contact ETC/CCA ManagerSergio Castellari Telephone / Organization Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), Italy.