How to measure the change generated by European Territorial Cooperation EU Open Days Local Event Venice, 27th of November 2014
Programme of the seminar 1)FIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challengesFIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challenges 2)SECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programmeSECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programme 3)THIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes Sectoral programmesTHIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes Sectoral programmes 4)FOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETCFOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETC 1)FIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challengesFIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challenges 2)SECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programmeSECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programme 3)THIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes Sectoral programmesTHIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes Sectoral programmes 4)FOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETCFOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETC
‘France (Channel) England programme’ Overall eligible zone: 81,771.9 km2 Population: a little over 15 milion inhabitants (one third in France, two thirds in England) Large tradition of cooperation (with the biggest infrastructure built in Europe)
‘Italy-Croatia programme’ (t33 perspective) Programme Area Surface%Population% Croatia % % Italy % % Total % % Basic characteristics – population and surface. Source: Croatian Bureau of Statistics and Italian National Institute of Statistics It is an area characterized by: - historical strong tensions - sensitive issues (drilling theme
Cooperation DevelopmentPilot Strategy to reduce common problems Improvement of competencies Exchange of practices Relationships and networks
DG Regio Logical Framework
New MA: the main challenges for the France (Channel) England programme Overcome the period’s problems Risks of overlapping with other programmes New regulatory framework: e.g. new certification procedures, new tasks in programme management, communication, monitoring and evaluation
Italy-Croatia programme: new challenges of the MA (t33 perspective) Start up of a brand new programme (after the problems encountered by the Adriatic-Ionian IPA programme) Modest availability of cross border territorial information New regulatory framework: e.g. new certification procedures, new tasks in programme management, communication, monitoring and evaluation
2) First results envisaged by the programme New MA: the main challenges
France (Channel) England programme: results in the field of innovation Investment Priority 1b: To increase the delivery and uptake of innovative products, processes, systems and services, to address common economic and societal challenges within the FCE area Outputs: innovative products, services, processes or systems; businesses and business intermediaries cooperating with research institutions Impact: creation and reinforcement of networks (business clusters, research and training centres, public sector and third sector). Result: increase the delivery and uptake of innovative products, processes, systems and services, to address common economic and societal challenges within the FCE area
Investment Priority 5a: “Supporting investment for adaptation to climate change, including ecosystem- based approaches” Outputs: Mechanisms for the exchange of information and data Impact: Integrated approach to climate change adaptation. Result: ensuring the population quality of living following consequences of climate changes Italy-Croatia programme: example of ‘environment related’ possible results
Investment Priority 7c: “Developing and improving environment-friendly (including low-noise) and low- carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility” Outputs: delivery of solutions for the adaptation and improvement of port infrastructures Impact: Improved accessibility and multimodality (of the ports and main regional hubs) Result: Improved quality of maritime transport services in the area Italy-Croatia programme: example of ‘environment related’ possible results
3) Understanding of the programmes Sectoral programmes New MA: the main challenges First results envisaged by the programme
France (Channel) England programme: expected added value with respect to sectoral cooperation (f.i. H2020) H2020 France (Channel) England specialized partnership specificity of call focus not necessarily in the scope of territory needs territorial constraints in the partnership building possibility to capture the territory needs at the level of the member states making up the programme
Italy-Croatia programme: expected added value with respect to sectoral cooperation (f.i. Life) Life Italy-Croatia programme specialized partnership specificity of call focus not necessarily in the scope of territory needs territorial constraints in the partnership building possibility to capture the territory needs at the level of the member states making up the programme
4) Macro-regional strategies and ETC New MA: the main challenges Understanding of the programmes Sectoral programmes First results envisaged by the programme
Macro-regional Strategies: Atlantic Arc Region – Channel programme The macro-regional strategy discussion was important during the programming phase? What synergies do you expect from the strategy?
Synergies between EUSAIR and Italy- Croatia programme The macro-regional strategy was important during the programming phase? In what measure do you expect that the programme will contribute to the achievement of the targets of the strategy? Source: Regione Emilia-Romagna territoriale/cooperazione-territoriale-europea/approfondimenti/cartina-eusair/view
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