How to measure the change generated by European Territorial Cooperation EU Open Days Local Event Venice, 27th of November 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

How to measure the change generated by European Territorial Cooperation EU Open Days Local Event Venice, 27th of November 2014

Programme of the seminar 1)FIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challengesFIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challenges 2)SECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programmeSECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programme 3)THIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes  Sectoral programmesTHIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes  Sectoral programmes 4)FOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETCFOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETC 1)FIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challengesFIRST SESSION – New MA: the main challenges 2)SECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programmeSECOND SESSION – First Results envisaged by the programme 3)THIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes  Sectoral programmesTHIRD SESSION – Understanding of the programmes  Sectoral programmes 4)FOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETCFOURTH SESSION – Macro-regional strategies and ETC

‘France (Channel) England programme’ Overall eligible zone: 81,771.9 km2 Population: a little over 15 milion inhabitants (one third in France, two thirds in England) Large tradition of cooperation (with the biggest infrastructure built in Europe)

‘Italy-Croatia programme’ (t33 perspective) Programme Area Surface%Population% Croatia % % Italy % % Total % % Basic characteristics – population and surface. Source: Croatian Bureau of Statistics and Italian National Institute of Statistics It is an area characterized by: - historical strong tensions - sensitive issues (drilling theme

Cooperation DevelopmentPilot Strategy to reduce common problems Improvement of competencies Exchange of practices Relationships and networks

DG Regio Logical Framework

New MA: the main challenges for the France (Channel) England programme Overcome the period’s problems Risks of overlapping with other programmes New regulatory framework: e.g. new certification procedures, new tasks in programme management, communication, monitoring and evaluation

Italy-Croatia programme: new challenges of the MA (t33 perspective) Start up of a brand new programme (after the problems encountered by the Adriatic-Ionian IPA programme) Modest availability of cross border territorial information New regulatory framework: e.g. new certification procedures, new tasks in programme management, communication, monitoring and evaluation

2) First results envisaged by the programme New MA: the main challenges

France (Channel) England programme: results in the field of innovation Investment Priority 1b: To increase the delivery and uptake of innovative products, processes, systems and services, to address common economic and societal challenges within the FCE area Outputs: innovative products, services, processes or systems; businesses and business intermediaries cooperating with research institutions Impact: creation and reinforcement of networks (business clusters, research and training centres, public sector and third sector). Result: increase the delivery and uptake of innovative products, processes, systems and services, to address common economic and societal challenges within the FCE area

Investment Priority 5a: “Supporting investment for adaptation to climate change, including ecosystem- based approaches” Outputs: Mechanisms for the exchange of information and data Impact: Integrated approach to climate change adaptation. Result: ensuring the population quality of living following consequences of climate changes Italy-Croatia programme: example of ‘environment related’ possible results

Investment Priority 7c: “Developing and improving environment-friendly (including low-noise) and low- carbon transport systems, including inland waterways and maritime transport, ports, multimodal links and airport infrastructure, in order to promote sustainable regional and local mobility” Outputs: delivery of solutions for the adaptation and improvement of port infrastructures Impact: Improved accessibility and multimodality (of the ports and main regional hubs) Result: Improved quality of maritime transport services in the area Italy-Croatia programme: example of ‘environment related’ possible results

3) Understanding of the programmes  Sectoral programmes New MA: the main challenges First results envisaged by the programme

France (Channel) England programme: expected added value with respect to sectoral cooperation (f.i. H2020) H2020 France (Channel) England specialized partnership  specificity of call focus not necessarily in the scope of territory needs  territorial constraints in the partnership building possibility to capture the territory needs at the level of the member states making up the programme

Italy-Croatia programme: expected added value with respect to sectoral cooperation (f.i. Life) Life Italy-Croatia programme specialized partnership  specificity of call focus not necessarily in the scope of territory needs  territorial constraints in the partnership building possibility to capture the territory needs at the level of the member states making up the programme

4) Macro-regional strategies and ETC New MA: the main challenges Understanding of the programmes  Sectoral programmes First results envisaged by the programme

Macro-regional Strategies: Atlantic Arc Region – Channel programme The macro-regional strategy discussion was important during the programming phase? What synergies do you expect from the strategy?

Synergies between EUSAIR and Italy- Croatia programme The macro-regional strategy was important during the programming phase? In what measure do you expect that the programme will contribute to the achievement of the targets of the strategy? Source: Regione Emilia-Romagna territoriale/cooperazione-territoriale-europea/approfondimenti/cartina-eusair/view

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