The Great Awakening vs. The Enlightenment
Great Awakening 1730’s-1740’s Traveling ministers stirred up religious emotions and fears Terrified listeners with images of God’s anger but promised salvation to those who did as they were told
Jonathan Edwards Best known preacher of Great Awakening Famous Sermon: “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”
Significance Inspired colonists to return to religious roots and do charitable work Churches gained 50,000 new members Founded religious colleges like Brown and Princeton
The Enlightenment 1700’s -1790’s Emphasized reason and science as paths to knowledge Began in Europe, then came to America
History Makers Science – Newton’s laws Philosophy – John Locke (natural rights: life, liberty and property) Inventions- Ben Franklin (Lightning rod, bifocals, Franklin Stove)
Poor Richard’s Almanac A yearly book written by Ben Franklin Had weather predictions, clever sayings, stories, poems, etc. “Haste Makes Waste”
Significance Enlightenment ideas of natural rights and government by agreement influenced colonists Helped spur American Revolution!