CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church. 233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 1. Ziouv Yesu za'gengh hlo jiex, Ninh hingh jiex daic nyei quonh nernh. Longc buv-nziaamv.


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Presentation transcript:

CrossPointe Mien Baptist Church

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 1. Ziouv Yesu za'gengh hlo jiex, Ninh hingh jiex daic nyei quonh nernh. Longc buv-nziaamv nzaaux yie nyei zuiz, Ziouv Yesu cingx daaih hingh jiex.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, weic hnangv naaiv, yie cingx daaih duqv hingh jiex.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 2. Ziouv Yesu za'gengh hnamv yie, maiv gunv yie benx domh zuiz-mienh, Ninh heuc yie yiem mienv cuotv daaih. Ziouv Yesu yietc liuz hnamv yie.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, weic hnangv naaiv, yie cingx daaih duqv hingh jiex.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic 3. Yie nyei maengc za'gengh baengh orn, biaux ndutv kouv naanc duqv bungx nqoi. Ziouv Yesu zien-zien hnamv yie, weic naaiv yie cingx daaih duqv hingh.

233. Ziouv Yesu Za’gengh Hlo Haic Nz. Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, Aa^le^lu^yaa, Ziouv Yesu hingh jiex, weic hnangv naaiv, yie cingx daaih duqv hingh jiex.

1. Zinh ndaangc wuov zanc, 1. Zinh ndaangc wuov zanc, Corc maiv gaengh maaih naaiv baamh gen. Saeng-kuv nyungc-nyungc maiv benx, Saeng-kuv nyungc-nyungc maiv benx, Liemh baamh mienh yaac maiv gaengh maaih. Kungx maaih Tin-Hungh, Kungx maaih Tin-Hungh, Youh mingh, youh daaih, Yiem wuov wuom-menc. Yiem wuov wuom-menc. Yaac maiv maaih naaiv norm baamh gen, Kungx maaih Tin-Hungh ganh hnangv. Kungx maaih Tin-Hungh ganh hnangv. 311nd. Old Zinh ndaangc Wuov Zanc

2. Yiem gau maaih hnoi Tin-Hungh, 2. Yiem gau maaih hnoi Tin-Hungh, Oix zeix lungh, zeix ndau, Oix zeix lungh, zeix ndau, Nyungc-nyungc, yaac caux jienv mbiauz. Nyungc-nyungc, yaac caux jienv mbiauz. Maiv gunv yiem lungh, fai yiem ndau, Maiv gunv yiem lungh, fai yiem ndau, Longc joux baeqc waac gorngv mbuox, Longc joux baeqc waac gorngv mbuox, Lungh, Ndau, meih njongh cuotv maah. Lungh, caux ndau, liemh zeih cuotv daaih, Lungh, Ndau, meih njongh cuotv maah. Lungh, caux ndau, liemh zeih cuotv daaih, Tin-Hungh buatc gengh longx haic. Tin-Hungh buatc gengh longx haic.

3. Tin-Hungh aengx gorngv yiem ndau-beih, Oix zuqc maaih mienh, Oix zuqc maaih mienh, Bun mienh, yiem buangv baamh gen. Dauh dauh mienh caux Ziouv maaih cien, Dauh dauh mienh caux Ziouv maaih cien, Tin-Hungh longc nie nanv norm Fangx zeiv daaih zuangv jienv Ninh. Ninh cingx daaih cuotv mbuox heuc mienh, Fangx zeiv daaih zuangv jienv Ninh. Ninh cingx daaih cuotv mbuox heuc mienh, Naaiv se baamh mienh nyei gorn. Naaiv se baamh mienh nyei gorn.

4. Yiem gau baamh mienh butv buangv nzengc Yiem naaiv lungh ndiev, Yiem naaiv lungh ndiev, Baamh mienh ziouc maiv gamh nziex Ziouv. Tin-Hungh dongh zeix ninh mbuo, Tin-Hungh dongh zeix ninh mbuo, Mienh kungx baamz zuiz, hnoi-hnoi, Tin-Hungh laaix mienh dorh nzauh. Tin-Hungh laaix mienh dorh nzauh. Ndongc haaix kuinx hnyouv yaac maiv mau, Tin-Hungh cingx daaih dingc zuiz. Tin-Hungh cingx daaih dingc zuiz.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc 1. Tin-Hungh zeiz maanc muotc, yaac zoux hungh gunv maanc mienh, mbuox heuc Ye^ho^waa, Ninh nduqc dorn Ziouv Yesu.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc Hnamv haic lungh ndiev mienh cingx njiec daaih zoux njoux Ziouv. Njoux yie mbuo zuiz-mienh goiv hnyouv sienx leih ndutv zuiz.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc Nz. Gaanv daaih sienx Yesu, gaanv daaih sienx Ziouv Yesu. Yie mbuo lungh ndiev mienh gaanv daaih sienx Ziouv Yesu.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc 2. Ziouv maiv gunv haaix dauh lungh ndiev nyei fingx-fingx mienh, Ziouv zeix daaih longx nyei. Ih zanc mienh maanh waaic nzengc.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc Yiem hmuangx nyei mienh gaanv goiv hnyouv daaih sienx Yesu. Yesu dongh ziangh maengc, meih kaux ninh ziouc duqv njoux.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc Nz. Gaanv daaih sienx Yesu, gaanv daaih sienx Ziouv Yesu. Yie mbuo lungh ndiev mienh gaanv daaih sienx Ziouv Yesu.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc 3. Haaix dauh maiv gaengh sienx maiv dungx zuov, goiv hnyouv sienx. Ging-Sou bun mbuo hiuv Ziouv Yesu hnamv haic mbuo.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc Maiv lauh taux ziangh hoc sienx nyei mienh duqv njien-youh. Hnamv mienh wuov dauh Hungh aengx oix daaih zipv yie mbuo.

008. Tin-Hungh Zeix Maanc Muotc Nz. Gaanv daaih sienx Yesu, gaanv daaih sienx Ziouv Yesu. Yie mbuo lungh ndiev mienh gaanv daaih sienx Ziouv Yesu.

Daux Gaux Jouh Tin-HunghInvocation Tin-HunghInvocation

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc 1. Yie tov fongc horc, yie hnyouv caux yie nyei sin, bun Ziouv Yesu, Ninh daic tengx yie ndutv zuiz. Ninh korh lienh yie. Ninh bun njien-youh baengh orn, dorh yie nyei maengc. Ninh yaac dorh jauv yie mingh.

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc Nz. Yie tov fongc horc nyungc- nyungc longx nyei bun Ziouv Yesu bun ziangh hoc Ninh, congh mengh caux yie nyei maengc. Yie tov fongc horc sin, hnyouv, lingh wuonh bun nduqc dauh Ziouv A’hneiv fongc horc muangx Ziouv nyei waac.

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc 2. Tov koi nqoi hnyouv gaengh kaux Tin-Hungh nyei en, fungx ganh nyei maengc. Tov ceix baengh orn bun mbuo. Maiv gunv yiem haaix Tin-Hungh yaac ceix fuqv bun, zuangx lungh ndiev mienh za’gengh ceng Ziouv nyei mengh.

229. Yie Ganh Tov Fongc Horc Nz. Yie tov fongc horc nyungc- nyungc longx nyei bun Ziouv Yesu bun ziangh hoc Ninh, congh mengh caux yie nyei maengc. Yie tov fongc horc sin, hnyouv, lingh wuonh bun nduqc dauh Ziouv A’hneiv fongc horc muangx Ziouv nyei waac.

Daux Gaux Fongc Horqc Offertory Juangc Jienv Daux Gaux Corporate Prayer Daux Gaux Fongc Horqc Offertory Juangc Jienv Daux Gaux Corporate Prayer

Zunh Doz/Sermon Apologetics: Part II “Always being ready to make a defense…” Psalms 8:4; 144:3; Heb. 2:6 “What is Man?” Zunh Doz/Sermon Apologetics: Part II “Always being ready to make a defense…” Psalms 8:4; 144:3; Heb. 2:6 “What is Man?” Yauzsing Zeuz

What is MAN? Introduction: Eternal God’s concern for man is one of the greatest proof of His love and wonder of man. This Creator God loves His creation so much that even when they do not seek Him, He seeks after them. There is no other god like Him. He is the One True God. No matter what you have done or where you have been He still loves you and is waiting for you to surrender your life to His care. Eternal God’s concern for man is one of the greatest proof of His love and wonder of man. This Creator God loves His creation so much that even when they do not seek Him, He seeks after them. There is no other god like Him. He is the One True God. No matter what you have done or where you have been He still loves you and is waiting for you to surrender your life to His care.

What is MAN? A. Special Creation: Man 1. The Bible tells us that Man came into existence by the special and creative act of God (Gen. 1:27; 2:7; 9:6) 2. The unity of the Human Race (Gen. 2:7; 5:10; Acts 17:26) 3. The Fall of Man (Gen. 3:6; Rom. 5:12; 1 Tim 2:4) and the steps to that fall (Gen. 3:1-6) 4. The Result of the Fall: Depravity (Rom. 5:19)

What is MAN? B. Special “Miss of the Mark”: Sin 1. The Origin of sin: a) in the angelic realm (Isa. 14:12-17’ Ezek 28); b) in the human race (Gen. 3) 2. What is Sin? Failure to conform to the divine standard; transgression of the law (1 John 3:4) 3. The universality of Sin (Rom 3:23; 5:12, 15-16) 4. The penalty of Sin: Physical death (Gen. 2:17; 3:19; Num. 16:29); Spiritual death-Separation of soul from God (Rom. 5:21; Eph. 2:1,5); Eternal death (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 21:8)

What is MAN? C. Special Redemptive Plan: Salvation 1. The source of salvation: God (Eph 2:8; Titus 2:11) 2. The necessity of salvation: 1) universal sin (Rom 5:12, 15-16); Adam’s sin transmitted to his posterity 2) the Holiness of God 3. The element of salvation: regeneration (John 3:5; 10:10; 1 John5:11-12), conversion, the voluntary change in the mind of the sinner in which he turns from sin to Christ (repentance and faith) 4. The result of salvation: God declares of those that believe in Jesus “righteous or justified”, and he forgives sins and imputes His righteousness to the believer. Believers experience a new birth and possess eternal life.

What is MAN? D. Special Living: Sanctification 1. Sanctification is the work of God (John 17:17; Eph. 5:25) 2. Sanctification is the setting apart for specific purpose, as well as separation from defilement. 3. Sanctification is an act and process: a) the initial act of sanctification or positional sanctification takes place the moment one is saved (I Cor. 1:2; Eph. 1:1; Col. 1:2) b) the process of sanctification continues through life (Col. 2:8-12; 2 Pet. 3:18) 4. Sanctification is not sinless perfection, not eradication of sin nature. However, believers in Jesus do not live a life of habitual sin.

Application of Principle to Practice: 1. Man was created by God but deliberately chose to sin against God. 2. As a result of the original sin physical and spiritual death will occur. 3. God in His Grace and Mercy sent his Son to save mankind from their sin. 4. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. He will have peace with God and be set apart for God’s purpose. 5. Man as a special creation had fallen to sin, but was uplifted by salvation, and will be glorified by the process of sanctification.

234. Tin-Hungh Ziangh Jienv Nyei Ziouv 1. Tin-Hungh ziangh jienv nyei Ziouv maiv gunv m’ zing mangc maiv buatc ninh, mv baac buatc ziex nyungc ga' naaiv biux mengh gorngv gengh maaih Tin-Hungh. Naaiv deix ga' naaiv se zoux zingx-ginx. Zuangx mienh hiuv nyei

Maiv lamh gorngv, maiv haih gorngv maiv hiuv Tin-hungh. Weic zuqc ninh nyei m’ zingh duqv buatc naaic deix ga’naaiv yietc zungv mengh nyei. Mv baac maiv laengz sienx kaux, gorngv maaih Tin-Hungh,

gorngv maaih Tin-Hungh, ninh ganh nyei hnyouv yaac yiem hmuangx. Cingx sienx kaux, dongh wuov maiv lamh longx nyei cingx maiv haih duqv njoux.

2. Tin-Hungh ceix en nyei Ziouv ceix laai hnaangx bun hnoi hnoi gaux nyanc. Yiem lungh haax jiex taux ndau beih, hnangv mbiungc wuom nor bun mienh longx. Maaih gaengh zuangx camv yiem wuov ndau beih. Bun mienh

Gaux nyanc maiv haih nzengc, weic naaiv mbuo horpc zuqc laengz zingh, zeix lungh zeix ndau nyei Ziouv. Yie mbuo laengz zingh Tin-Hungh ceix en bun nyei. Laai hnaangx ndorm ndorm muonz muonz.

Yie tov laengz zingh,Yie tov laengz zingh, weic Ziouv korh lienh ceix en bun. Yangh naaiv jiex, yie ganh tov fongc horc sin, caux hnyouv bun Ziouv hnangv.