Opinion essay An opinion essay presents our personal opinion on a particular topic. We need to state our opinion clearly and support it with examples or reasons.
Introduction In the first paragraph we present the topic and state our opinion clearly. Main Body In the second and third paragraphs we present our viewpoints and give reasons/examples. We present each viewpoint, with reasons/examples, in a separate paragraph. In the fourth paragraph we present the opposing viewpoint and give examples/reasons. Conclusion In the last paragraph we restate our opinion using different words.
Other information We usually use present tenses in this kind of writing and avoid using informal language such as contractions (I’ve, she’s) and colloquialisms (What’s up?) etc. We can use phrases like In my opinion; I (strongly) believe that; It seems to me that to introduce our opinion. We can find opinion essays in newspapers and magazines as articles or letters to the editor, etc.
Mobile phones at school Nowadays more and more students bring their mobile phones to school. While I believe that students should carry mobile phones in case of an emergency, I am strongly opposed to phones being used at school, particularly in the classroom. Firstly, many students travel to and from school without their parents. Therefore, it is important for them to have a mobile phone in case they need help or have an accident on the way to school or home. Furthermore, parents who work may need to contact their children. For example, if a parent has to work late, the student has to be told if arrangements have been made for a relative or neighbour to look after them. On the other hand, nothing is more disruptive during a lesson than the sound of a mobile phone ringing or playing an annoying tune. Moreover, students who send and receive text messages in class are not paying attention to the lesson. In conclusion, I feel that students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school for use in an emergency. However, all phones should certainly be turned off during lessons.
Some ideas for writing (topics). People often writes opinion papers on topics such as: Gay Marriage. Legalization Of Marijuana. Experiments on animals. The use of cameras for making decisions in soccer games. SOMETHING MORE ACADEMIC Inclusive Education. Use Of ICTs in Education. …. Commerce trait with the USA. … Any Topic from your feel of study
Language Introduction . TOPIC SENTENCE (Agreement or disagreement.) For writing a topic sentence you can use any of these patterns. I totally agree that … (subject -verb) I disagree that… (subject -verb) I don’t agree… (subject -verb) I am for/against the idea that… Examples. I completely agree that marijuana should be legalized.
To introduce a reason you can you use any of these transition words. . REASONS ( in this case three reasons on the topic “lotteries should be banned”) The reasons explain why you agree or disagree on the topic. lotteries are a waste of money. Lotteries are addictive Lotteries are not really a good chance to make money To introduce a reason you can you use any of these transition words. Reason 1: First, Firstly, first of all, to begin with Reason 2: In addition, Secondly, moreover, furthermore, Another reason is That … Reason 3 : third, thirdly, Finally.
SUPPORTING DETAILS The supporting details are included after the reasons. They are the arguments that support your reason Example: Reason 1: lotteries are a waste of money Supporting detail: Less money to buy things we need To begging with, I strongly believe that lotteries are a waste of money. Every time we buy the lottery we have less money to buy things we need such as medicines or food. You can use any of these expressions to state your opinion when you introduce an opinion. In my opinion, as I see it, to my view, I consider (that), I think (that), on my point of view. I am convinced that, It seems to me that, I feel , I believe (strongly firmly).
CONCLUSION: You can use any of these transition words to begin your conclusion To sum up, in brief, in short, to conclude, al in all, in conclusion. Example: To conclude, I believe that it is not a good idea to buy the lottery because it is a waste of money, it is addictive and it is not really a good chance to make money.