HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH PAPER Center for Academic Development Bloomfield College © 2006 All rights reserved ADVANCED Advanced – HomeHome Proceed
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER First and Foremost Make sure you begin your research paper early enough to allow sufficient time to complete all stages of the process adequately. Stages in the research writing process: 1. Choose a topic 2. Conduct research 3. Write the paper based on findings from research 4. Revise the paper with a CAD tutor 5. Edit and format 6. Submit the paper 1 to 2 weeks before due date. To study the Research Timeline click, herehere Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Next Previous Advanced -HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Next Previous Plagiarism Before you proceed to the section on writing your paper, it is essential that you become aware of plagiarism. Anytime you use written or spoken words or ideas that are not your own without attribution to the source, you are guilty of plagiarism. It is essential that as you write your paper you remain mindful of not plagiarizing. Visit the following link for more information on what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it: Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Writing the Paper There are five stages to writing a good research paper. These are: 1. Outlining 2. First Draft 3. Re-writing 4. Formatting 5. Editing Next Previous Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved 1. Outlining Use the information and data from your research to identify the different elements/sections that combine to prove or support your thesis. These are the subtopics that must be discussed in your essay in order to effectively address the claims of your thesis. These subtopics should be used as the different sections of your paper. Next Previous Your outline is to be included in the final version of your paper unless the instructor says otherwise. Discuss placement with instructor. Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Next Previous Example of an Outline: 1. Introduction 2. What is Hip-Hop? a. History of Hip-Hop b. Hip-Hop vs. Rap 3. Who listens to Hip-Hop? a. Pre – 1995 b. Post – Where is Hip-Hop in 2006? a. Mainstream culture vs. Hip-Hop culture b. Future of Hip-Hop 5. Conclusion Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved 2. First Draft Before you begin writing, take some time and review the notes you made during your research. Then approach the writing of your paper as if you were writing a series of two to three-page essays. Each section in your outline is an essay. So write the sections one at a time. It is best to write the paper over three to four days. Write one or two sections of the paper per day. If you are having trouble writing, start by ‘free writing.’ This is when you write from your thoughts and knowledge without any regard for grammar, spelling or mechanics. Then read over the ‘free write’ and use it to form the foundation upon which to build the first draft. Next Previous Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved 3. Re-Writing When you have finished writing the first draft, take a break from writing for about 24 hours. After your break, read over the paper and make changes to the structure, style, and/or content of the paper. Take another break of up to 8 hours. After the break, gather the paper, research notes, a writing form and style manual, and a dictionary. Sit and take your time to go over the paper and make any and all changes you deem necessary. Now take the final re-write to a tutor for review. Make the changes and additions recommended by the tutor. Next Previous At this point you should have 7 to 10 days before the paper is due for submission Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Formatting and Editing Many times students do an excellent job of researching the topic and presenting their findings, but fail to use the correct format, or fail to use it accurately. In most cases, formatting and editing are the areas that will make the difference between an A and a B on an otherwise perfect paper. So pay close attention to the following information. Next Previous There are several styles for formatting a research paper. Most major research universities have their own styles which have become popular and are used for specific disciplines and types of research. Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Formatting Cont. The most popular university styles are: The Chicago Style (from University of Chicago) The Harvard Style The Columbia Style (used exclusively with online research) CBE (University of Wisconsin at Madison) In your college career, the formatting styles you will use most often are: APA (American Psychology Association) MLA (Modern Language Association) Chicago Click on a style above for more information on how to use. Next Previous You MUST find out from your instructor which style to use before you start writing the paper. Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Next Previous Editing It is absolutely essential that after you have written and formatted your paper, you edit it. At this point, sit with a tutor, the final draft of the paper, a dictionary and thesaurus, a grammar and mechanics manual, and a manual of formatting style. (Most grammar manuals also contain the three major formatting styles. The English Department recommends The Everyday Writer ) Take your time to comb through every section of the paper, checking for errors in: Word Choice Grammar Citation and Format When you have made all necessary corrections, your paper is ready for submission. Advanced - HomeHome
How to Write a Research Paper Overview Next Previous Advanced - HomeHome
Choosing a Topic The key is to have some general knowledge of the topics in which you are interested. A good place to start is with your textbook. Review a few of the sources mentioned in your text- book (find them on the Internet or in the library). Use your new knowledge to focus your research on a specific area of the topic. Then get your professor’s approval. Researching the Topic Focus your research on academic sources: books and journal articles. Use magazines, newspapers, and the Internet cautiously. Keep track of your sources. HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Next Previous Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Advanced - HomeHome
HOWTOWRITEARESEARCHPAPER Next Previous Writing the Paper Start writing the paper with no regard for mechanics, grammar, or formatting style. When you are finished with this ‘free write,’ re- write it. This should lead to your first draft. Now find someone, with better writing skills than yours, to read the draft and provide you with feedback. It is often helpful to have someone read your text out loud to you. Re-write the paper based on this feedback. Now you have your final draft. Sit with a CAD tutor and edit the paper – content, clarity, grammar, and formatting. It is a good idea to turn in the paper a week or two in advance. Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Advanced - HomeHome
Select a topic in which you are interested (unless your professor specifies a topic). Select a topic in which you are interested (unless your professor specifies a topic). Do preliminary research in order to limit your topic. Do preliminary research in order to limit your topic. Turn your topic into a question that you will attempt to answer in the research paper. Turn your topic into a question that you will attempt to answer in the research paper. Keep a notebook devoted solely to your research paper in which you make notes as you conduct your research. Write down names of sources, authors of sources, publishers, dates of publication, web addresses, dates web sites were accessed, quotes, notes, and page numbers. Keep a notebook devoted solely to your research paper in which you make notes as you conduct your research. Write down names of sources, authors of sources, publishers, dates of publication, web addresses, dates web sites were accessed, quotes, notes, and page numbers. Create an outline for your paper before you begin writing the paper. Create an outline for your paper before you begin writing the paper. Format the paper using the formatting style specified by the professor. Format the paper using the formatting style specified by the professor. Have someone with more experience writing research papers review your paper before submission (a tutor from the Center for Academic Development can help you with this).Have someone with more experience writing research papers review your paper before submission (a tutor from the Center for Academic Development can help you with this). Keys to Remember Next Slide Previous Advanced - HomeHome
Center for Academic Development © 2006 All rights reserved Next Previous Advanced - HomeHome USEFUL LINKS Using Web Pages in Academic Research Using Web Pages in Academic Research Tips for Using the Internet for Academic Research Tips for Using the Internet for Academic Research Writing a Research Paper Writing a Research Paper Formatting Your Paper Formatting Your Paper Sample Research Paper Sample Research Paper APA Formatting Style Chicago Formatting Style MLA Formatting Style Case Study Case Study Research timelineResearch timeline: for Chicago style research paper
Center for Academic Development Voorhees Hall Bloomfield College Many Thanks to: Patricia Arteaga Sheldon Channer Gina Eloy Maren Friedman Mary Ellen Haley Mark Jackson Zerom Kiflemariam Sidney Lawrence © 2006 All rights reserved Advanced - HomeHome BackBack to slide 1