Joseph Provost – University of San Diego Growth of a community: ASBMB project to create resources to support the biochemistry and molecular biology community and education
By developing the BMB Concept Inventory, our goal is to broadly impact biochemistry and molecular biology education across the U.S. at the program, departmental, course and faculty levels. Additionally, this project aims to serve as a hub to connect biochemistry and molecular biology faculty from diverse communities, institutions and backgrounds
Specific Aim 1: Identify foundational concepts in terms of core knowledge and foundational principles, research and skills. Specific Aim 2: Create a taxonomy of these foundational concepts and skills and link them to topics outlined in the undergraduate curriculum recommendations of ASBMB Specific Aim 3: Develop and evaluate appropriate assessment tools for the topics identified in Specific Aim 1. Specific Aim 4: Create a toolkit that can be easily accessed by the academic community. YouAreHERE
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education vol 41 (5) September/October 2013
Building a Community of BMB Faculty
T HE P LAN Introduction Scientific Teaching Backward Design Aligned Tools I NTRODUCTION G OALS O BJECTIVES A SSESSMENTS S TRATEGIES S UMMARY
T HE P LAN Introduction Scientific Teaching Backward Design Aligned Tools Example BMB Alignment Table Overall Learning Goal Specific Learning Objective Learning Assessment Learning Strategy I NTRODUCTION G OALS O BJECTIVES A SSESSMENTS S TRATEGIES S UMMARY
I NTRODUCTION G OALS O BJECTIVES A SSESSMENTS S TRATEGIES S UMMARY Engaging in undergraduate education in a manner similar to conducting scientific research Research Goals Specific Aims Evidence Experimental Methods Learning Goals Specific Objectives Assessments Learning Strategies J. Handelsman, S. Miller, C. Pfund (2006) Scientific Teaching, W. H. Freeman and Co.
G OALS O BJECTIVES A SSESSMENTS S TRATEGIES S UMMARY I NTRODUCTION G. Wiggins and J. McTighe (1998) Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. “F ORWARD D ESIGN ” Step 1: Content List Step 2: Write Exam Step 3: What Learned?
G OALS O BJECTIVES A SSESSMENTS S TRATEGIES S UMMARY I NTRODUCTION G. Wiggins and J. McTighe (1998) Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. “F ORWARD D ESIGN ” Step 1: Content List Step 2: Write Exam Step 3: What Learned? Step 3: Plan Methods Step 2: Plan Measures Step 1: Define Outcomes B ACKWARD D ESIGN
G OALS O BJECTIVES A SSESSMENTS S TRATEGIES S UMMARY I NTRODUCTION Overall Learning Goal Students should understand… Learning Objectives Learning Assessments Learning Strategies Students should be able to (verb)…
9:00 Introductions: Meet the participants 9:30 Background and Context of the Project: Ben Caldwell 10:00 Backward Design and BMB Alignment Tables: Ellis Bell. The principles of scientific teaching and backward design will be exemplified using sample overall learning goals & specific learning objectives 10:30 Coffee Break 10:45 Activity- Decide your Destiny: Rachel Booth Formation of small groups of three based upon attendees chosen learning objectives. Group Members will self select roles as literature searchers, electronic submitter, and verbal presenter for the session 11:15 Activity- Goals and Objectives - Formation of small groups of three based upon attendees chosen learning objectives. Group Members will self select roles as literature searchers, electronic submitter, and verbal presenter for the session 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Activity-Assessments - Small groups will develop an assessment and associated scoring rubric to measure student learning of the refined specific learning objective 2:00 Small groups will develop a student centered strategy to promote learning of the refined specific learning objective, in the context of either a classroom or lab setting 3:00 Break 3:15 Activity- Finalize Alignment Table - Small groups finalize and electronically submit their alignment tables 3:30 Activity- Compare and Contrast - Group reporters will summarize their group’s submission. Groups will discuss similarities and differences in their outcomes 4:30 Moderators from each big group report out - general discussion 5:00 Activity- Reflect and Close - Time will be allowed to complete a short evaluation of the workshop, followed by unstructured, open discussion 6:00 Optional Informal Networking Dinner
Curriculum based on BMB core concepts NOT courses Significant experiential learning Allows for research, internship, or cooperative learning experiences Adequate faculty in BMB and related fields Program Accreditation (7 years) Degree is certified if student passes ASBMB program assessment instrument