Preparing a Flood Kit A resource based on an original by David Cuthbertson, Teacher of Humanities, Todmorden High School.
Imagine you live in an area that floods regularly and that there is a major rain storm coming tomorrow which means you will definitely get flooded… How do you prepare? Write down three ways you would prepare for a flood! How would you prepare?
Learning Objectives To think about how you would prepare for a flood To create a flood kit and explain what are the most important items (and why)
What is a Flood Kit? Anemergency kitthat would really help if there was a flood in your home. A flood kit is very important if your home is at risk-especially if you live on a flood plain or near the coast.
Preparing your Flood Kit – What would be in it?
Which items are best? Things toEatand Drink BottledWater Tins/cans of Food Biscuits
How Would You Communicate? If your home is flooded there will be no electricity. You would need to be able to call for help – so take a mobile phone. You would also need a battery-operated radio to find out what’s going on.
How Would You Keep Warm? As your central heating may stop working in a flood, you should pack: Some warm clothes, like jumpers. Also take some blankets. And waterproofs!
Other Must-Have Items… As there might not be electricity, don’t forget a torch! And just in case remember to put together a first aid box!
Important Documents Don’t forget your, Don’t forget your important documents, like and. like passports and insurance documents. Can you think of other things that would be useful?
Your Task Use the worksheet you have been given to come up with items needed for a flood kit! Try to get at least 5 things in each column. When you are done, choose the most important thing from each column and explain why this is the most important!