Be Kind Be Safe Be a Learner
Interactive read-alouds Shared reading mini-lessons Differentiated small-group reading Individual reading conferences Independent reading Assessments Word Study Reflection
Read a variety of texts Read 30 minutes each day Read to each other Discuss author, illustrator, genre, and style Think critically about what is read Ask questions
Keep a writing journal Generates ideas for writing Writes in a variety of genres (expository, descriptive, persuasive) Uses the writing process: pre-write, draft, revise, edit, and publish Uses appropriate writing conventions Critique their own writing Use resources such as a dictionary, thesaurus, and computers
Things they wonder about Stories and thoughts from the heart Things they observe using the five senses Reacting to world events Short stories Poems Songs Lists
Concepts of multiplication and division Fractions Perimeter, symmetry and right angles Applying learning to real life situations outside of the classroom Algebra Measurement Data/Statistics/Probability Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Communication Basic Math Facts (timed tests)
Fluency in addition and subtraction Fluency in multiplication and division Unfinished math work Use real life situations (going to the store, counting cars, measuring ingredients) as opportunities for learning Daily math practice page Review for tests Ask Questions
Plant Development Water Experiments (using the scientific process) Science Exploration
Native Americans Global Communications Communities Near and Far Students examine cultures from the past and present and develop an understanding of their affect on our future
Communication and Homework folder: Includes a calendar of when assignments are due and important dates and information Read at least 30 minutes every evening Math practice (Homework and remembering or practice basic facts ) Weekly “word study” words. The test will be on Fridays. Unfinished work goes home and returned the next day Oral presentations every three months (Nov., Feb., and May)
We strongly encourage parent involvement, both at home and at school. We also enjoy and encourage help in the classroom. Please let us know if you are willing to help. Also, if you have a special talent or hobby that you would be willing to share, we would love to have you come speak to our class!
9:15-9:35 Attendance and morning meetings 9:35-10:30 Math 10:30-10:55 Recess 10:55-11:25 Math and Snack 11:25-12:10 Writing/Word Study 12:10-1:10 Lunch/Recess 1:10-2:20 Reading 2:20-3:15 Social Studies/Science/Art 3:15-3:45M-PE T-Music W-Library T-PE F-Music 3:50 Dismissal
Classroom webpage: Telephone: If there is a change in the way your child is going home on a particular day please send a note or call the office. Always check in with the office before coming to the classroom.