Credit Course Selection Information for Continuing Education Students
WHAT CREDIT COURSES DO I NEED TO TAKE? General Education CoursesProgram CoursesPre-requisite Courses
W What are General Education Courses? To obtain a DEC (Diplôme d’études collégiales), all students must pass 14 general education credit courses. 4 English courses 3 Humanities courses 3 Physical Education courses 2 complementary courses 2French courses
GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES (credit courses) ENGLISHHUMANITIESFRENCH *NOT OFFERED IN CONTINUING EDUCATION* BLOCK A MQ (must be passed before taking any other English – Placement test required) *No sequence necessary once MQ has been passed MQ MQ MQ MQ *Must have passed one of the Block A humanities in order to register in the Block B humanities MQ MQ MQ MQ (not offered in Continuing Education ) BLOCK B 603-HSZ (Generic for all programs in Cont. Ed.) 345-HSZ (Generic for all programs in Cont. Ed.) 602-HS_ (not offered in Continuing Education )
Students must take two (2) complementary credit courses. At Vanier, the 2 sets of complementaries are distinguished from one another by the letters S and T: e.g. Set 1: 350-HSA -03 / Set 2: 350-HTA -03 If two courses are taken from the same Category, one must be from Set 1 and the other must be from Set 2. Note: A Social Science student cannot take General Education courses, Social Science courses or AEC courses as a complementary A Science student cannot take General Education courses, Science courses or AEC courses as a complementary
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Students need to complete and before registering in
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SOCIAL SCIENCES 300.AA Continuing Education offers 2 evening programs leading to a DEC and 4 evening programs leading to an AEC. Social Science students must complete 15 program credit courses: 6 Introduction courses, 3 Analysis, 2 Applications, 1 Enrichment and 3 Methodologies. * To graduate, Social Science students must complete the 14 General Education credit Courses, 15 Program credit courses, pass the English Exit Exam and Meet Comprehensive Examination Requirements
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SOCIAL SCIENCES 300.AA Introduction credit courses 6 introduction courses including 3compulsories and 3 options must be passed. Compulsories Introduction to Psychology ( ), Western Civilization ( ) and Macro Economics ( ). Introduction options Introduction to Anthropology ( ) Individual and Society ( )
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SOCIAL SCIENCES 300.AA Analysis and Applications credit courses Once an Introduction credit course has been passed, a student can register in Analysis and Application credit courses. Analysis: VA Developmental Psychology, Micro Economics, VA Cultural Diversity. Note that the majority of Analysis courses in Social Sciences tend to have a “200” attached the course number VA Application: VA Psychology of Relationships, Topics in Local History. Note that the majority of Application courses in Social Sciences tend to have a “300” attached the course number VA
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SOCIAL SCIENCES 300.AA Enrichment credit courses Once an Analysis or an Application course has been passed, a student can register in an Enrichment course. Enrichment: VA Issues in Contemporary Psychology,. Note that the majority of Enrichment courses in Social Sciences tend to have a “400” attached the course number VA
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SOCIAL SCIENCES 300.AA Methodology credit courses Students In Social Science must complete 3 Methodology courses in the sequence 1. Quantitative Methods VA 2. Research Methods VA 3. Integrative Project VA
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SCIENCE 200.AA Science credit courses Students In Science must complete 9 Compulsory Science credit courses and 3 Science Option credit courses in sequence as per the prerequisites mentioned in the Course Schedule. * To graduate, Science students must pass 14 General Education courses, 9 Compulsory science courses, 3 Science Option courses, meet Comprehensive Examination Requirements (ESP) and pass the English Exit Exam
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SCIENCE 200.AA Physics * Check prerequisites in the course schedule NYA-05 MechanicsMechanics NYC-05 Waves, Optics and Modern PhysicsWaves, Optics and Modern Physics NYB-05 Electricity and MagnetismElectricity and Magnetism Please note that 203-NYC-05 needs to be passed before 203-NYB-05 Biology 101-NYA-05 General BiologyGeneral Biology SCIENCE COMPULSORY CREDIT COURSES 200.AA
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SCIENCE 200.AA SCIENCE COMPULSORY CREDIT COURSES 200.AA Chemistry * Check prerequisites in the course schedule NYA-05 General ChemistryGeneral Chemistry NYB-05 Chemistry of SolutionsChemistry of Solutions Math NYA-05 Calculus ICalculus I NYB-05 Calculus IICalculus II NYC-05 Linear AlgebraLinear Algebra * Linear Algebra can be completed at the same time as Calculus II
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES SCIENCE 200.AA Science Option credit courses Check prerequisites in the course schedule Can be from Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Mathematics and tend to have an “HT” after the 3 first numbers of the course number 202-HTF-05. *Continuing Education will offer 202-HTF-05 Chemistry: Food and Drugs in the Winter 2011 semester.Chemistry: Food and Drugs
PROGRAM CREDIT COURSES AECs Attestations Please follow the sequence in the program grids found in our Continuing Education Website.
Delete before the deadline Summer Semester June 14 Call Registration Help Line Application for Continuing Education Fall semester 2011 July 4 Preference course change June 7 May 30 to June 2 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm
HOW MANY COURSES DO I HAVE TO PASS TO BE ALLOWED TO REGISTER FOR THE NEXT SEMESTER? PRE-UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS Full-time Continuing Education students must pass 4 courses AEC Please refer to the academic standing of your respective programs or contact the academic advisor
HOW MANY COURSES DO I HAVE TO PASS TO BE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY TO DAY STUDIES? STUDENTS – Refer to the letter given to you by your Dean Other programs – eligible to apply if there are no restrictions