CMT3342 JS Introduction to the module and the assessment of the module
Module Leader Contact Details Dr Elke Duncker Townhall, TG17 Ext
The module structure Lectures Topics of project management Seminars Assessed progress reports (official assessment point) Discussion of project work and project problems Group Project Week 3 to week 22 Individual Essay Week 1 to week 17
Assessment Individual Essay: Risk in Project Management 40% of the module grade Group Project: Web-based IT Helpdesk 60% of the module grade consisting of Group project proposal (12% of the module grade) Group progress reports (6% of the module grade) Group project report (42% of the module grade) Individual progress reports, the average of which determines the individual portion of the group grade
Individual progress reports (IPR) Possible grades: 1 = good work 0.5 = poor work 0 = no progress report or no work done Average of the IPR grades = the individual factor with which the group project grade is being multiplied Example: Group project grade: 57 out of 100, individual progress report grades: 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0, 0.5, 0.5 individual average: 5/8 or Individual portion of the group grade: 57x0.625= out of 100
Learning Materials On OASISplus/MyLearning Lecture slides (including these ones) Seminar slides Other materials Assessment instructions and submission links Handbooks and other module information Textbooks Use, if possible: Dalcher, D. and L. Brodie, Successful IT Projects. FastTrack Series, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2007
Any questions?