The World of General Aviation
International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations Founded 1962 Founded Countries 61 Countries 470,000 members 470,000 members
IAOPAIAOPA “To facilitate the movement of general aviation internationally…” Representation Representation Information Information GA/AW Promotion GA/AW Promotion
IAOPA Europe AustriaIcelandPoland BelgiumIrelandPortugal BulgariaIsraelRomania CroatiaItalyRussia CyprusLatviaSlovenia Czech RepublicLebanonSpain DenmarkLithuaniaSweden FinlandLuxembourgSwitzerland FranceMaltaTurkey GermanyMonacoUnited Kingdom GreeceNetherlands HungaryNorway
IAOPA Europe Provides a voice for GA in: European Commission European Commission ECAC ECAC EASA/JAA EASA/JAA Eurocontrol Eurocontrol ICAO Europe ICAO Europe
General Aviation General Aviation “An aircraft operation other than commercial air transport and aerial work” “An aircraft operation other than commercial air transport and aerial work” Everything else… Everything else… –Personal transportation –Business aviation –Recreational flying –Sport aviation.
Worldwide General Aviation 350,000 conventional aircraft 350,000 conventional aircraft 100,000 ultralights 100,000 ultralights 1,500,000 pilots 1,500,000 pilots By comparison – By comparison – –50,000 airliners
General Aviation Connects communities Connects communities Provides personal transportation Provides personal transportation Fills transportation gaps Fills transportation gaps Provides jobs Provides jobs Brings economic growth Brings economic growth The most important road in any town is its airport runway
IssuesIssues Access Airspace Airspace Airports Airports
Airspace IFR vs. VFR IFR vs. VFR –Airlines fly in closely controlled airspace –GA operate outside controlled airpace Terminal areas Terminal areas –Class B and C for all with a clearance –Around the outside for GA We are compatible… We are compatible…
But… Airspace designers favor closely controlled airspace Airspace designers favor closely controlled airspace –More control is better? GA aircraft are effectively excluded from large segments of terminal areas GA aircraft are effectively excluded from large segments of terminal areas We don’t need much… We don’t need much…
Airports GA pilots don’t want to use airline airports GA pilots don’t want to use airline airports We want our own -- We want our own -- –Safe –Close to cities –Affordable But, airports are now more valuable as shopping centers and housing developments But, airports are now more valuable as shopping centers and housing developments –We are losing GA airports worldwide
The Cost to Participate Fees Fees –Licensing, registration, landing, environment Taxes Taxes –Fuel, use, property Required equipment Required equipment –Radios, instruments Regulatory Regulatory –Proficiency, airworthiness,
What is Needed Recognition by governments that GA -- Recognition by governments that GA -- –Provides a useful service to the people –Has a legitimate place in aviation –Needs support as much as the airlines –Must receive services for its taxes and fees –Has unique regulatory requirements –Needs a voice in the regulatory system
Airspace for GA/AW Achieve a high degree of freedom of movement in all types of airspace Achieve a high degree of freedom of movement in all types of airspace –Maximize the amount of available unmanaged airspace Permit VFR access to managed airspace wherever possible Permit VFR access to managed airspace wherever possible Maintain the option of VFR operations in all types of airspace under the “see and avoid” rule Maintain the option of VFR operations in all types of airspace under the “see and avoid” rule
Security ICAO Aviation Security Panel ICAO Aviation Security Panel –Annex 17 & Security Handbook Best practices Best practices –Self-interest –Awareness –Local effort Airport Watch Airport Watch Cooperate closely with national authorities Cooperate closely with national authorities
Future General Aviation Safe and affordable infrastructure Safe and affordable infrastructure –Airports, AIS, communications Appropriate regulatory structure Appropriate regulatory structure –Cooperative, something for everyone –Based on cost-benefit analyses Fees to fit needs Fees to fit needs –Specific services for GA, use of fuel taxes
IAOPA Europe Creating a new general aviation in Europe