ACT Test Prep College Bound Test Prep
Overview The test is about three hours long (three and a half with the Writing test.) It consists of 215 scored multiple-choice questions and an optional essay. It is comprised of four subject tests and the optional Writing test: English (45 minutes, 75 questions) Math (60 minutes, 60 questions) Short break Reading (35 minutes, 40 questions) Science (35 minutes, 40 questions) Writing (30 minutes, 1 essay question)
Goals for this class Learn the Test – if you learn what to expect in advance, you will be familiar with the test, feel more comfortable, and avoid wasting time reading lengthy directions. Learn Methods and Strategies – statistical information, such as being aware that in the English section the shortest answer is quite frequently the correct answer, will help you navigate your way through the multiple choice options. Become Aware of Strengths and Weaknesses – If you learn the content questioned on the test, you will know which areas you need to review most. If you have it, look back at your PLAN test results for weak areas. Practice…A LOT!!! – It is important to develop confidence in your content knowledge and the timing of the test. The more you practice, the more confident you will be. Practice outside of the class will help make the class more beneficial
Scoring The possible scores for the test range from 1-36, but the average composite score on the SAT ranges between 17 and 23. A score below 17 will limit your choice of colleges. Any score above 23 will be an asset in your search. Any score between a 26 and a 31 will impress most colleges. Even a 31 requires getting only about 90% of the questions right. The ACT includes questions that even your smartest teachers might get wrong. While you may be interested in your subscores, the overall composite score is the most important number.
General Test-taking Tips Don’t Panic!! – The typical ACT test taker only gets about half of the questions right, so don’t panic when you hit an impossible question. Random Order – Questions are not arranged in order of difficulty, so you don’t need to spend a lot of time struggling with a difficult question when there may be two or three easy ones ahead. Guess!!! – Unlike the SAT, the ACT does not penalize you for an incorrect answer. So if you simply don’t know an answer, just guess. Do not leave a question blank. If you are stuck on a hard question, go ahead and guess so you don’t run out of time before answering easy ones that lie ahead.