ORIENTATION SESSION Thursday December 19, 2013 PHOENIX MOBILITY SCHOLARSHIPS OFFICE OF EXTERNAL ACADEMIC RELATIONS Phoenix Mobility Scholarships Funded by the Erasmus-Mundus program – European Commission
Overview Erasmus-Mundus Program: The Erasmus Mundus Programme is a cooperation and mobility Programme in the area of Higher Education. Phoenix Project: PHOENIX is a project funded with the support of the Erasmus Mundus-Action 2 Program. It intends to develop a structured mobility between 17 European and Middle East universities. Scholarships are available for: 1.Undergraduate students, 2.Full Master, 3.Full Ph.D., 4.Post-doctorate 5.Academic and Administrative staff
European Partners Université Libre de BruxellesUniversité Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) University of AlmeriaUniversity of Almeria (Spain) Project Coordinator University of TampereUniversity of Tampere (Finland) Université Pierre et Marie CurieUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie (France) Carl von Ossietzky University of OldenburgCarl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany) University of L’AquilaUniversity of L’Aquila (Italy) Politechnika Wrocawska/Wrocaw University of TechnologyPolitechnika Wrocawska/Wrocaw University of Technology ( Poland) University of PortoUniversity of Porto (Portugal) University of SevillaUniversity of Sevilla ( Spain)
MIDDLE EAST Partners: An Najah National University (Palestine) Birzeit University (Palestine) The Islamic University of Gaza (Palestine) Arab International University (Syria) Lebanese American University (Lebanon) Modern University for Business and Science (Lebanon) Petra University (Jordan) Princess Sumaya University for Technology (Jordan)
Target Groups Target Group 1 (TG1): Palestinians who are currently registered/work at Birzeit University, An-Najah National University and Islamic University in Gaza ( partner universities) Target Group 2 (TG2): Palestinians who are registered/work at OTHER Palestinian Universities ( not included in the partnership). Palestinians who have obtained a university degree or equivalent from any Palestinian University Target Group 3 (TG3): Palestinians who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for social and political reasons. For example: Having a refugee status (UNRWA card).
General Admission Requirements All applicants must fulfill the following general criteria: 1.Language: Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries. 2.Academic background Ensure that you have the necessary academic background in terms of study areas/degree to apply to the type of scholarship. 3.Must Not have resided nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the eligible European countries at the time of submitting their application to the partnership.
General Admission Requirements 4.Internal Criteria: There may be other internally defined criteria by each partner institution of the project, so applicants must make sure to ask the contact person of the institution about the specific eligibility criteria established either in their home institution (if applicable) or in the host institution(s) which they intend to apply to. 5.On-Line: Only online applications are considered eligible. 6.FAX, Mail : Applications sent by mail, fax or will NOT be accepted.
General Admission Requirements 7.Several Applications: If the same applicant submits several online forms, the informatics system will automatically consider the last one as the only valid one and will disregard the other applications. 8.Documents in English: All documents must be accompanied by a translation into English or the working language at the host institution.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Must have successfully completed at least one year of studies at the home institution. BZU Students: Students shall be already registered at Birzeit University 1. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS NUMBER OF MOBILITY SCHOLARSHIP (for BZU, ANU and IUG) TG1: 8 mobility scholarships TG3: 4 mobility scholarhsips Total: 12 DURATION: 5 months (one semester) or 10 months (Two semesters).
1. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Learning Agreement Transcript of Record Recommendation Letter (statement of support from the University of Origin) Enrollment Letter: (statement of enrollment) Issued by the Registration Office Motivation Letter: A motivation letter is mandatory Certificate of language skills: ( if required by the host institution)
1. UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS PHOENIX WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING: Monthly allowance : 1,000 Euros A two-way flight ticket and a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period. Subsistence allowance Insurance coverage (health, travel, accident) Direct visa costs and Participation costs (if applicable) EVALUATION: Academic Achievement: 60% Motivation: 25% Language Skills: 15%
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Having Bachelor: The Applicant must have finished the Bachelor degree from any Palestinian University. 2. FULL MASTER NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS TG1: 4 scholarships (BZU, ANNJAH and IUG) TG2: 1 scholarship TG3: 1 scholarship Total: 6 DURATION: months.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Transcript of Records Certificate: Certificate proving the obtained degree/qualification. Recommendation Letter (statement of support from the University of origin) Employment Letter: – Issued by the HR Department. A motivation Letter Certificate of Language Skills: If required by the host institution 2. FULL MASTER
PHOENIX WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING: 1.Monthly allowance : 1,000 Euros 2.A two-way flight ticket and a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period. 3. Subsistence allowance 4. Insurance coverage (health, travel, accident) 5. Direct visa costs and Participation costs (if applicable) 2. FULL MASTER EVALUATION: Academic Achievement: 60% Motivation: 25% Language Skills: 15%
3. FULL PH.D. NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS TG1: 4 scholarships (BZU, ANU and IUG) TG3: 1 scholarship Total: 5 DURATION: 34 months ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Having Master: The Applicant must have a Master degree Working at BZU: The Applicant is one of Birzeit University academic staff Admission Letter: The applicant must have pre-admission letter from the host University.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Transcript of Records Certificate: Certificate proving the obtained degree/qualification. Recommendation Letter (statement of support from the University of origin) Employment Letter: – Issued by the HR Department. Certificate of Language skills : ( if required by the host instituion) 3. FULL PH.D.
PHOENIX WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING: 1.Monthly allowance : 1,500 Euros 2.A two-way flight ticket and a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period. 3. Subsistence allowance 4. Insurance coverage (health, travel, accident) 5. Direct visa costs and Participation costs (if applicable) 3. FULL PH.D. EVALUATION: Scientific Achievement: 35% Proposed Research Project: 35% Motivation: 15% Language Skills: 15%
4. POST-DOCTORATE NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS TG1: 3 scholarships (BZU, ANU and IUG) TG3: 1 scholarship Total: 4 DURATION: 6 months ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Having Ph.D.: The Applicant must have a Ph.D. degree and, Working at BZU: The Applicant is one of Birzeit University Academic/Admin. Staff, and Having Admission Letter: The Applicant must have pre- admission letter from the host university.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Transcript of Record Certificate: certificate proving the obtained degree/qualification. Recommendation Letter (statement of support from the University of Origin) Employment Letter: – Issued by the HR Department. Certificate of Language Skills: ( If required by the host institution) 4. POST-DOC
FINANCIAL COVERING: 1.Monthly allowance : 1,800 Euros 2.A two-way flight ticket and a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period. 3. Subsistence allowance 4. Insurance coverage (health, travel, accident) 5. Direct visa costs Participation costs (if applicable) 4. POST-DOCTORATE EVALUATION: Research Production / Teaching Experience: 35% Proposed Research Project: 35% Motivation: 15% Language Skills: 15%
5. ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS TG1: 8 scholarships (BZU, ANU and IUG) TG3: 1 scholarships Total: 9 DURATION: One month ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: The Applicant must be working at Birzeit University.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Job Description: Brief description of the applicant’s main activity signed by the home institution Certificate: certificate proving the obtained degree/qualification. Recommendation Letter (statement of support from the University of Origin) Employment Letter: – Issued by the HR Department. Certificate of Language Skills: ( if required by the host institution) 5. STAFF
PHOENIX WILL COVER THE FOLLOWING: 1.Monthly allowance : 2,500 Euros 2.A two-way flight ticket and a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period. 3. Subsistence allowance 4. Insurance coverage (health, travel, accident) 5. Direct visa costs and Participation costs (if applicable) EVALUATION: Previous Experience: 35% Work Plan: 35% Motivation: 15% Language Skills: 15% 5. STAFF
FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF, PRIORITY WILL BE GIVEN TO THOSE WHO DEVELOP THEIR MAIN ACTIVITY IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. International relations and networking 2. Scientific research management 3. Employability services and entrepreneurs support 5. STAFF
Mandatory documents Photo: ID/Passport: (mandatory for all types of mobility) Declaration of Honor Motivation letter Document that proves your status as vulnerable Refugee, socio-economic situation, physical disability ( for Target Group III) Other supporting documents for all types of mobility:
Review the Academic Offers Create an Account and fill out the application: ( Start date: December 2,2013 (00:00 CET) End date: January 22,2014 (23:59 CET) How to Apply: