Lynn W Zimmerman, PhD
Technology-based listening activity can be done by the individual can use it in class Extensive or intensive Students should recycle the language in each stage of the lesson Create human-human interactions Provides ample scope and opportunity for integrated lessons activitating all 4 skills
Relevance Interest Appropriateness of topic Authenticity Newsworthiness Currency Pedagogical soundness Usefulness Comprehensibility Length
Downloadability Availability in streaming mode Amount of bandwidth required Format Interactivity
Transcripts Related activities Tutorials Audioplayer downloads Visual support Key vocabulary
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab English Language Learning Lab Online The English Listening Lounge BBC English Learning Home Page dex.shtml dex.shtml Takako’s Great Adventure Real English Online
Science Earth & Sky The Discovery Channel History The History Channel Literature Poetry Archive MobyLives NPR: Books cs/topic.php?topicId cs/topic.php?topicId-1032 Commercials Funny Commercials Clio Awards Everyday Life BBCs Video Nation Sports ESPN Sports Zone m/espnradio/index m/espnradio/index
World Radio Network BBC National Public Radio Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcasting Corporation Voice of America
Breaking News English Jokes in English Podcasts The Daily Idiom Podcast The English Teacher Show TOEFL Podcast Voice of America’s Special English o.cfm o.cfm
National Public Radio (NPR) Podcast Directory php php BBC Documentaries CBS News Podcast Feeds ng ng Sherlock Holmes Audio Books Project Gutenberg’s Audio Books Repeast After Us – Children’s Stories
Easily accessible and even downloadable from the web Get visual support Keep in mind How will the learners benefit? How does it support the curriculum? How will the video enhance the audio component? How will you use the clip? How will you assess learners‘ comprehension?
Apple Movie Trailers English Trailers The Internet Movie Database CNN (or other news media) video clips Guiness World Records Brain POP The Biogrphy Channel
Choose one website and select an item you would use with your students as a listening activity. Fill out the chart about the item. You may do this activity individually or in pairs. Web Site: ___________Name(s): _________ Listening Activity Item URL Why did you choose it? (2-3 sentences) Describe either a during listening or after listening activity your students will do. ( words)
Krajka, J. (2007). English language teaching in the Internet-assisted environment. Lublin, Poland: Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univeristy Press.