Use Graphic Novels to Understand Scientific Ocean Drilling and Entice Student Interest Dr. Michael J Passow Earth2Class Workshops for Teachers Lamont-Doherty.


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Presentation transcript:

Use Graphic Novels to Understand Scientific Ocean Drilling and Entice Student Interest Dr. Michael J Passow Earth2Class Workshops for Teachers Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Scientific Ocean Drilling Started in 1960s and continues today Cores and geophysical data have revealed much about our planet “Leg 3” confirmed theory of plate movements Incomparable for studying paleoclimates, asteroid impacts, oceanic volcanism and seismicity, etc.

Deep Earth Academy Education programs to “raise awareness about ocean drilling science and its central role in understanding the Earth’s past, present, and future; teacher science content and process, and inspire careers in science, technology, engineering, and math” Many online educational resources created by JR scientists and “School of Rock” teachers

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) Continually evolving programs based on ever- improving drilling platforms / /

“Tales of the Resolution” Carl Brenner of the LDEO Borehole Research Group created a series of 6 graphic novels based on the science and life aboard the “JR”

Episode 1: Tales of the Resolution

Episode 2: “Re-Fit Madness”

Episode 3: “Resolution Reloaded”

Episode 4: “Arctic Rainforest”

Episode 5: “Choose Your Own Tales of the Resolution: Jobs on the JR”

Episode 6: “In Search of Ancient Lava Flows”

Carl Brenner Created the “Tales” with “Comic Life” E2C Workshop (May 2012) “What’s the Role for Graphic Novels in Science Education?” “Comic Life” is a commercially available program “What’s the Role for Graphic Novels in Science Education?”

Reading Activities based on “Tales” Educational activities designed to support mastery of College and Career Readiness anchor standards identified in Common Core State Standards for English & Literacy in Science Developed by Dr. Michael J Passow with E2C participants through a grant from the IODP Deep Earth Academy

Students’ Problem Set Pages

Teachers’ Guide

Target Ages : Grades 6th-12th grade and gifted and talented students in 3rd-5th Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour per episode Lesson Objectives: 1. To enhance literacy in science 2. To have students answer critical thinking questions and comprehension questions related to each episode of the Tales of the Resolution 3. Students will be able to comprehend the scientific graphic novels by answering the questions with 90% accuracy.

Author: These suggested supplementary reading materials are written by Dr Michael J Passow (Dwight Morrow High School, Englewood, NJ, and School of Rock participant). Special AcknowledgementS: Carl Brenner (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Borehole Research Group); Sabreena Britt (Effie Yeaw Nature Center); John Meyer (Oregon Connections Academy)