F AMILY MINDED PRACTICE – DEVELOPMENTS IN ADULT SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH Jerry Tew Reader in Mental Health and Social Work University of Birmingham.


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Presentation transcript:

F AMILY MINDED PRACTICE – DEVELOPMENTS IN ADULT SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH Jerry Tew Reader in Mental Health and Social Work University of Birmingham

L EVELS OF ‘ FAMILY MINDEDNESS ’ 1. Predominantly individual focus with other family members being consulted and/or expected to provide support 2. Focus on ‘axial relationships’ ( Cornford et al., 2013) – i.e. dyads such as parent-child, carer- vulnerable adult in which one party can tend to be seen primarily in relation to their designated role (as carer or parent) 3. Focus on family as a relational network of significant others Flexible user-centred definition of who is to be considered ‘family’

W HAT ’ S BEEN GOING ON ? A DULT SERVICES Often ‘family support’ in relation to older people and adults with disabilities has tended to mean an assumption that families provide support, rather than families need family-oriented support Families taken for granted (but not pathologised) in individually focused processes of assessment, care management and reablement However… Care Act 2014

C ARE A CT 2014 AND GUIDANCE : T HE C ARE A CT AND W HOLE -F AMILY A PPROACHES ‘Practical guidance for practitioners working in adult social care in relation to carrying out assessments and developing plans which consider the needs of the whole family’ Principle of wellbeing (i.e. not primary focus on risk / deficit) Step one: Think family. Step two: Get the whole picture. Step three: Make a plan that works for everyone. Step four: Check it’s working for the whole family.

‘The interdependencies and interconnections between family members mean that what happens to one affects everyone else. Caring is a universal activity and an important part of family relationships.’ ‘Whole-family approaches can be key in maximising the impact of resources and identifying opportunities to support carers, and to ease the very real risks to health and wellbeing that caring can bring.’ ‘Level 3’

‘M EMORANDUM OF U NDERSTANDING ’ TO AID JOINT WORKING BETWEEN CHILDREN AND ADULT SOCIAL SERVICES ‘Local authorities to adopt a whole system, whole council, whole-family approach, coordinating services and support around the person and their family and considering the impact of the care needs of an adult on their family, including children.’ Specific consideration of young carers in a whole family context (with explicit tie-in with Children and Families Act 2014)

W HAT ’ S GOING ON ? J OINING UP CHILDREN ’ S AND ADULT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ‘Think Family’ Pilots – SCIE Organisational focus Progress patchy across implementation sites Could be a lever for whole systems change within and across organisations

W HAT WORKS ? Interagency ‘Team around the family’ Or Family support team with embedded mental health expertise and key worker / co-working model?

W HAT ELSE IS GOING ON ? A BIT OF GEOMETRY Triangle of Care (Carers’ Trust / RCN) mental health dementia ‘Level 2 ‘– but can be lever towards Level 3 Circles of Support www. circles network.org.uk www. circles network.org.uk ‘Family’ does not have to mean blood relatives Mainly learning disabilities, but also older people and sex offenders ‘Level 3’

W HAT ELSE IS GOING ON ? M ODELS FOR ENGAGING WITH FAMILIES - MAINLY MENTAL HEALTH / WIDER APPLICABILITY Family therapy Systemic Behavioural Integrated Family Group Conferencing Open Dialogue www. opendialogue approach.co.uk www. opendialogue approach.co.uk Family recovery / intensive family support

REFERENCES Cabinet Office (2007) Reaching out: think family. Analysis and themes from the Families At Risk review. London: Cabinet Office Social Exclusion Task Force Carer’s Trust / RCN (2013) The Triangle of Care. Carers Included: A Guide to Best Practice for Dementia Care 063/Triangle_of_Care_- _Carers_Included_Sept_2013.pdf 063/Triangle_of_Care_- _Carers_Included_Sept_2013.pdf Cornford, J., Baines, S. and Wilson, R. (2013) Representing the family: how does the state ‘think family’? Policy & Politics, 41 (1): pp. 1–18 DH / LGA / ADASS / Children’s Society / Carers’ Trust (2015) The Care Act and whole-family approaches. e+Care+Act+and+whole+family+approaches/080c323f -e653-4cea-832a-90947c9dc00c e+Care+Act+and+whole+family+approaches/080c323f -e653-4cea-832a-90947c9dc00c

SCIE(2012) Think child, think parent, think family: final evaluation report Tew, J, et al (2012) Whole family approaches to reablement in mental health: Scoping current practice. School for Social Care Research content/uploads/2015/06/Whole-family-approaches-to- reablement-in-mental-health-Scoping-of-current- practice.pdfhttp:// content/uploads/2015/06/Whole-family-approaches-to- reablement-in-mental-health-Scoping-of-current- practice.pdf Tew J et al (2015) Can whole family approaches contribute to the reablement of people with mental health difficulties? School for Social Care Research: Research Findings