Mona Baker Information Builders, Inc. Account Support Manager WebFOCUS 8 The new Business Intelligence Portal Mona Baker Information Builders, Inc. Account Support Manager
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal (BIP)
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Agenda Introduction to the Business Intelligence Portal Portal Designer Interface Live Demonstration
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Introduction to the Portal The WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Portal Enables you to build complete, modern Web sites. Drag and Drop Ease of Use Same familiar ribbon interface as WebFOCUS InfoAssist Let’s take a look at the new business intelligence Portal!!!
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal With the BI Portal, anyone who can build a report using InfoAssist can develop an impressive portal without any knowledge of Web design! Let’s take a look at the new business intelligence Portal!!!
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Introduction to the Portal The WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Portal (BIP) Successor to the WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Dashboard (BID) The Dashboard is still supported in WebFOCUS 8 Note: There is no migration from BID to BIP. The BI Portal’s designer fresh modern look and intuitive to use Uses the same ribbon interface as InfoAssist. Common workflow reduces cost by making development similar between products WYSIWYG: Can see end product while designing the Portal Allows the users to include or remove widgets as they desire Very similar manner as other popular portals. Let’s take a look at the new business intelligence Portal!!! Can see what end product will look like while designing the Portal This is much better than the Dashboard View Builder where you have to get out of tool to see what it will look like.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Portal Designer Ribbon, the BI Portal Preview, and the Properties and Breadcrumbs. Ribbon BI Portal Preview Area Application Menu: New Portal/Refresh/Save Quick Access ToolBar: Save Changes. In future release, will be able to also undo and redo changes. Ribbon: Layout/Insert/Style Canvas: design area- includes the banner and pages of your portal. Properties Panel:properties about the current selected item. Breadcrumb Trail: in addition to being able to select from canvas, this feature is especially useful when you are working with hidden or layered content. Properties and Breadcrumbs
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Portal Designer: Components Ribbon Application Menu : Save, Open, or Create New Portals. Quick Access Tool Bar : Single click area to save the Portal. Three tabs Layout Insert Style BI Portal Preview Area (Canvas) Constantly updated with the changes you make (WYSIWYG) Can select various parts of the portal to edit. Properties Modify settings depending on what is selected. Breadcrumb Trail Easy navigation to whatever portion you want to work on.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Layout Tab
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Layout Tab Navigation ThIs is the bar that shows the tabs Select where to place the navigation bar. Top Right Left None Banner Select where the banner is located. Bottom Menu Bar Select where the Menu Bar is located. Many options within the menu bar.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Layout Tab Themes Choose a theme for your portal. 9 themes that come packaged . It is possible to customize a theme. Security Apply WebFOCUS Client Security Model Rules to the Portal Properties Activates the properties at the bottom of the screen so that global Portal changes can be made. Layout Define the page Single Area One -four columns.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Insert Tab
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Insert Tab Allows you to insert the following type of elements into a portal. Pages The tabs the user will see the content on Containers Contain one of three panel types Panels Accordion Panels Tabbed Panels Content Report WebFOCUS Resource Tree Image Text Portal Tree
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Insert Tab Note: WebFOCUS Content is displayed inside a container. Containers exist on a page. Pages are in the portal and are accessed via the tabs.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Style Tab
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal The Style Tab Allows you to apply colors, borders, fonts and the like to various parts of the Portal. State Style a Portal item differently depending on if the item is selected, not selected, or rolled over. Background Change the images, image patterns and positions, and colors for the background of the item being styled. Border Different border styling for various selected items. Fonts Size, Color, and Font Style can all be changed.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Properties Located at the bottom of the screen. The properties screen changes depending on selected element in the Portal Options are all intuitive to use.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Breadcrumbs Located at the very bottom of the screen Contains a simple “trail” of the currently selected item. If an element contains more than 1 option Click on the “>” Will display a pop up list of the available items to choose from. Breadcrumb trail can be used to Navigate various sections of the portal Useful when trying to select small, hard to select items.
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal Portal Security Portals can be secured so only a certain group of users can see them. 3 permission sets come pre-packaged with WebFOCUS 8 View Only Users Can see the portal but can not customize it’s look. Customize Can move the widgets Add and remove content to achieve custom look. These customization's can only be seen by the person who made them. Full Control – This user can modify the Portal. Next release Templates will do this for you 3 permission sets that come with WebFOCUS 8 that allow an administrator to define the following types of users.
Live Demo How to Create a New Portal Setting up Portal Levels Building the Home Page Adding Content to the Home Page 3 permission sets that come with WebFOCUS 8 that allow an administrator to define the following types of users.
And now to the Live Demonstration…………..
WebFOCUS 8 Business Intelligence Portal See it live and in person at Summit 2012! Hope to see you there!