Mission College gathered representatives from college staff, faculty, administrators, District Board, industry, government, and the local community.
Mission College sought a synthesis of community, industry, and government wisdom in the development of Mission College’s four year Strategic Plan.
Participants joined breakouts devoted to focused topics in order to Brainstorm Review Data Create Goals
Identify Objectives Identify Priorities Report Out Participants joined breakouts devoted to focused topics in order to
Technology Breakouts
Curriculum & Program Development Breakouts
Student Completion & Institutional Accountability Breakouts
Community Life, Participation, Outreach & Marketing Breakouts
K-12 and Higher Ed Articulation & Outreach Breakouts
Economic Development Breakouts
Leadership Building & Professional Development Breakouts
First ever joint community and college strategic planning day Community driven responses to institutional focus areas Planning that holds the college accountable to students and to our community members Planning that promotes community success as part of the college future Planning that integrates community future into the services of the college “MISSION COLLEGE AS THE COLLEGE OF CHOICE”
College data review for submitted goals Synthesis of common goal themes Draft of the four year plan College Constituencies Review Draft and Make Edits GAP (Governance and Planning) makes final recommendations on four year plan Strategic Plan sent out to all participants electronically and placed on college website College initiates completion of goals/effectiveness measurement for goal completion/ summary to community of all of the above
Music: Samba Batucada Mission College Percussion Ensemble. Phil Hawkins Director 2011 Mission College Instructional Media Services WHERE TODAY’S STUDENTS MEET TOMORROW’S OPPORTUNITY