Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM) Background brief for Learning Centers 1. Report status of traditional and modernized AIM 2. Link AIM Modernization to RiT II goals of: Tie Learning to Navy Work Navy Learning Continuums Fleet-focused Delivery Engaging All Navy Learning Partners Fleet Metrics-Driven Improvement Managing the Future of Learning 12 November 2008 Jake Aplanalp AIM/CPM Program Manager NAWCTSD Orlando 407.380.4685
Focus of Presentation AIM Background & History AIM & Current Navy Standards AIM Software Status AIM & Future Navy Standards Questions
Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM): Government-owned & managed system used by the Navy to design, develop, update, manage, and integrate training content Provides automated conformance to standards (NAVEDTRA 130A/131A, ILE, & RIT II) resulting in efficient, cost effective development & maintenance of learning content Links learning requirements to performance standards Links learning content to Interactive Electronic Tech Manuals (IETMs) (**S1000D & other formats) Automates identification and notification of potential learning content update requirements based on performance standard & tech data changes Streamlines integration of changes into previous learning content baseline with minimum impact (because built on relational database) Supports multiple output methods (paper, PDF, HTML, & SCORM conformant XML formats) AIM promotes: data standardization for maximum re-use/re-purposing content packaging standardization for consistent look and feel product completeness based on automated workflow Pertinent RIT II themes as relates to this slide: Tie Learning to Navy Work Navy Learning Continuums AIM is a mature application & service provider supporting the development & sustainment of 300,000+ instructional hours of formal Navy training content
AIM Historical Perspective CNET drafts Operational Requirement (OR) 1981 NPRDC Conducts R&D 1981-87 NPRDC Awards R&D Contract 1987 CNO Establish Project Manager 1989 AIM MNS/Milestone 0 Approved 1990 Milestone I/II approved 1992 Initial version of AIM (UNIX) distributed 1993 Milestone III approved (Implementation) 1994 AIM System Support Office (SSO) at NAWCTSD Established 1994 AIM II Implementation 1996 AIM I Implementation 1997 Program Management Shift to NAWCTSD 1997 IETM Interface 1998 SCORM Output Utility 2001 SQL Server 2002 Word as editor; IMI Library 2003 AIM first GOTS SCORM Adopter 2004 Prototype LO Module; NMCI certification** 2005 Navy ILE ILT authoring/maintenance tool** 2006 Prototype Content Planning Module (CPM)** 2007 NMCI Certification & Distribution of AIM LO Module** 2008 CPM Operational** 2008 Program of Record with history of continuous improvement and successful adaptability in meeting the user’s changing requirements and technology advances SLC staff prioritized items for CPM, based on GAT participation and analysis of CPM Functional Reqts Matrix, which have been incorporated into Delivery Order now under contract as part of AIM Rel 4.0 scheduled for delivery in Mar 09 Elaborate on constituent pieces of “operational”: Government acceptance testing with participation from broad spectrum of AIM user community (including Jim Kading of SLC, Jerry Benzel of NAVSEA, and Jamie Swaim of SSP) Complete User’s Manual and on-line Help Piloted ILT user learning content **Key Components of Modernized AIM 4
AIM-based Learning Content Usage* Others include: SWS NSWC SPAWAR NMPT&E NSTEP CPPD CNE CID CEODD CSS As a measure of continuing acceptance of AIM, CNATT has mandated use for development of ILT learning content in their recent 1540 instruction as well as in new standardized learning content acquisition SOW Big “3” Example *Data captured in 4th Quarter of FY07 5
AIM Management Organization Configuration Control Board (CCB)/ Resource Sponsorship: Surface/Air/Sub/NETC Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N79 Functional Area Manager OPNAV Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N12 (proposed) Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N00T Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Functional Requirements Board (FRB) Program Manager OPNAV N75 Program Manager NAWCTSD Orlando A formal organization and charter was established as part of the milestone approval process to ensure customer involvement and program responsiveness. The FRB has been a constant and highly successful part of the AIM program since its organization in FY94. The CCB has been much less active, with funding coming mainly through the various CNO resource sponsors individually. AIM program eager to merge successful FRB process and broadly-based community participants into evolving RiT II governance process / organization. ESC (senior leaders from OPNAV (CDR Adams), SLC (Bill Schafer), CSCS (Scott Lutterloh), and CNATT (LCOL Mark Molitor) provided guidance to the AIM Program Manager) during the earlier phases of RiT I. Has not been as active in the past several years. NAWCTSD serves as Program Manager and as System Support Office (SSO) for AIM. Columbus Technologies- Prime Support Contractor System Support Office (SSO) NAWCTSD Orlando
AIM & Navy Training Standards AIM follows ISD rules of the PADDIE model AIM I Built on NAVEDTRA 131A Personnel Performance Profile (PPP) Based Curriculum Model AIM II Built on NAVEDTRA 130A Task Based Curriculum Model Traditional AIM links content to CTTL / PPP tables AIM continues support for traditional 130/131 content formats as well as ILE / RIT II / Competency-based content rules per evolving NETC & Navy Standards AIM outputs Printable Material (PDF), SCORM-compliant XML Files (LMS, electronic classrooms, repositories), CeTARS CMS Web service, & Database export for use in other AIM systems or content authoring tools CMAD “stand down” and current uncertainty about enterprise or Learning Center learning content repositories affecting users. At the same time, AIM continues to get more and more requests from user community about more centralized repositories to promote better configuration management as well as source for discovery and re-use/re-purpose of existing learning content. **Recent conversations with SLC about centralizing their various AIM databases and providing remote access to their user communities.
AIM Modernization Timeline
Why Modernized AIM? Modernized AIM can tie the entire process together In the RiT II continuum from performance requirement definition to learning content tailored to satisfy that performance requirement, Modernized AIM can play key roles in linking performance reqts to learning objects via standards compliant learning objective statements, which become the basis for granular ILT and self-paced learning objects aggregated into modules and courses in various ways as needed. Pertinent to RIT II goals: Tie Training to Navy Work Navy Learning Continuums Fleet Focused Delivery Modernized AIM can tie the entire process together
AIM Considerations History of AIM – consistent success in past, updated over time, now extending to ILE / RIT II / Competency-based learning & leveraging historical ROI & TOC Reduction One GOTS tool supporting: Traditional content development/maintenance Migration of traditional to new (ILE/RIT II) New development (ILE/RIT II) Gaps in current Navy Training Environment: ILT in ILE suite JTI/NJA/NLOS links to learning content Integrated, performance-based design, development, and maintenance of both ILT and self-paced learning content Automated surveillance capability to drive down significant total ownership cost of learning content Modernized AIM can fill those gaps Integrated ILT & self-paced content design/dvlp/maint: LO Module storyboarding capability and XML output to self-paced authoring tools an example of this capability Also, MT Continuum is excellent example of RIT II theme on learning continuums- AIM has worked closely w/ SSP on that effort.
Summary What can AIM do for Centers? Leverage historical strengths in standardized content design, development, surveillance, maintenance, production, management, and user support to apply to Traditional (130/131) & Future (ILE / RIT II / Competency-based) training content Strong support for RIT II themes – especially “Tie Learning to Navy Work” & “Navy Learning Continuums” AIM has team, contract, and user community infrastructure in place to make this happen s
Summary (Continued) What AIM program needs from Centers? Active AIM Users: Participate in the FRB and supporting IPTs Provide input to improve the toolset Non-AIM users: Try AIM on a small scale (Traditional/Modernized) Get training and assistance to support trial efforts s
Upcoming AIM Training Schedule Date Topic 12-Nov-08 Overview of AIM Program & Software: Schedule of Upcoming Web meetings 10-Dec-08 AIM: Training Project Plan (TPP) 7-Jan-09 AIM: Course Training Task List (CTTL) 21-Jan-09 AIM: Learning Objectives 4-Feb-09 AIM: Course Outline of Instruction (COI) 4-Mar-09 AIM: Course Master Schedule (CMS) 18-Mar-09 AIM: Training Course Control Document (TCCD) 1-Apr-09 AIM: Learning Content Overview 15-Apr-09 AIM: CPM Overview of TPP & TCCD Functionality 29-Apr-09 AIM: CPM Project Development 13-May-09 AIM: Overview of LO Module s ** All Training at 1500 EST w/ Webmeeting & Phone info posted at AIM website
Points of Contact, Website Software Engineering/Help Desk Ron Zinnato 407-380-4667 ISD Lead Paul Graf 443-276-4106 Program Manager Jake Aplanalp 407-380-4685 Asst Program Manager Patti Eder 407-380-4767 AIM Web Page
Backup Slides
Central Site SWS AIM I Metaframe Central Site CNATT Prototype Metaframe Instance CNATT Central Site Implementation Planning Options for SLC Implementation
SWS Central Site Operational since Jul 07 on fedsun server at NAWCTSD Orlando for all SWS curricula Metrics: 60 users (6-8 concurrent) 33 courses 2+ gb data storage (AIM database plus IMI) 6 geographically dispersed user sites – TTF Bangor/Kings Bay; contractors from Cocoa Beach, FL to Pittsfield, MA to Anaheim, CA 99%+ availability Speed/responsiveness equal to previous local PC / LAN operation Stress that AIM promotes: data standardization for maximum re-use/re-purposing content packaging standardization for consistent look and feel product completeness based on automated workflow Pertinent RIT II themes as relates to this slide: Tie Learning to Navy Work Navy Learning Continuums
SWS Central Site (contd) Integrated LP/TG development, surveillance, and maintenance by all community activities on single Orlando database TTFs download approved baseline curricula in SCORM 2004/XML output format for use in Elite-equipped electronic classrooms Only performance lags are natural longer times to upload large graphic files, import large courses from / export to remote AIM instances Primary availability issues have been working with NETWARCOM on information assurance (IA) certifications for FEDSUN servers Stress that AIM promotes: data standardization for maximum re-use/re-purposing content packaging standardization for consistent look and feel product completeness based on automated workflow Pertinent RIT II themes as relates to this slide: Tie Learning to Navy Work Navy Learning Continuums
SWS Central Site (contd) AIM I software operates exactly the same as local stand-alone or LAN instances from user’s perspective Some enhanced management capabilities: IETM interface configuration data more granular privilege levels for multiple curriculum managers 1/3 time CSS System Administrator with rapid learning curve when he replaced the system implementer in Mar 08 Stress that AIM promotes: data standardization for maximum re-use/re-purposing content packaging standardization for consistent look and feel product completeness based on automated workflow Pertinent RIT II themes as relates to this slide: Tie Learning to Navy Work Navy Learning Continuums
CNATT Central Site Prototype Small (5 user) independent AIM II instance set up in response to local TRANET installation problems at CNATT Unit @ Tinker AFB Set up from scratch on FEDSUN server within 2 hours On-line since mid-August with no problems Required 2-hour Web-meeting for end user familiarization with Metaframe implementation – no AIM user training required
Central Site Advantages One centrally located database (configuration control) Single authoritative source for a given curriculum throughout the community Real-time collaboration among geographically dispersed staff (e.g., Center staff working directly with training facility, NAVSEA, ISEA, or contractor staff) No need for import/export-based database synchronization among disconnected sites Everyone performing maintenance in same database No IMI conflicts – all developers and users for all courses using the same library of IMI files No requirement to distribute approved courses – end users can generate SCORM XML files and/or print PDF / paper LP/TG direct from Central Site Great time and money saver – no need to move export file and/or paper curricula from site to site Immediate access to software updates simply by posting on Central Site server – no delays waiting for NMCI certification or complex scheduling to coordinate local updates and prevent version conflicts Users can access AIM from any PC with internet access and CAC reader with desktop software installation and maintenance Real-time Center online approval
AIM Team Experience Technical experience in programming, maintaining, and supporting AIM and related applications: 48 total manyears with the AIM application with excellent notices from govt technical staff and user community 25 total manyears with large-scale desktop/LAN SQL Server database applications 19 total manyears with Web-based SQL Server applications (4 years with NAVSPECWARCEN training admin applications with lessons learned applied to 2 years of large-scale CPM development and support)
AIM Team Experience (contd) Functional experience in requirements definition, user testing, user training, and help desk support: 45 manyears with the AIM application with excellent notices from govt technical staff and user community 10 manyears with Web-based SQL Server applications (4 years with NAVSPECWARCEN training admin applications with lessons learned applied to 2 years of large-scale CPM development and support)
AIM Team Experience (contd) Functional and technical team has broad and deep ties across the AIM user community and within specific warfare training communities: Undersea warfare: Tom Travers – 15 years Surface warfare: Jay Burton – 10 years; Jamie Stewart – 15 years Aviation maintenance: Paul Graf – 5 years
AIM Software Engineering AIM I/II (including CPM and LO Module) are FAM approved and registered in DADMS User community based requirements definition process via Functional Requirements Board Existing and planned Web service interfaces with CeTARS Experience in JCIDS/DODAF methodology and artifacts Extensive work with ILE enterprise architecture team and initial Enterprise Data Environment (EDE) development AIM team appraised and certified for CMMI Level II in Aug 07 with no weaknesses
AIM Output Examples
Training Project Plan
Instructor Comp Worksheet
Course Training Task List
Learning Objectives
Curriculum Outline of Instruction
COI Summary Report
Course Master Schedule
CMS Summary Report
Training Course Control Document The TCCD is a product that includes all the information from: TPP CTTL LO COI CMS Format is similar to the TPP output The next 5 slides are TCCD samples
Training Course Control Document
Training Course Control Document
Training Course Control Document
Training Course Control Document
Training Course Control Document
Lesson Plan/Instructor Guide Within AIM
Lesson Plan/Instructor Guide .pdf version
Lesson Plan/Instructor Guide html version
Lesson Plan/Instructor Guide SCORM 2004 version Hot Link to TG Sheet
Instructor Display of Media Hot Link to Supporting Media. Used to support the LP vs delivery of the LP
Instructor Display of Media (Cont’d) Open in New Window for display to Students when instructors have a dual monitor setup. For single monitor configuration, clicking the hyperlink will display to the front of the classroom.
Instructor Display of Media (Cont’d) Supporting media displayed to the students
Trainee Guide/Student Guide Within AIM
Trainee Guide/Student Guide .pdf version
Trainee Guide/Student Guide SCORM 2004 version
Course Management Differences Traditional AIM vs Modernized AIM Course Management Functionality Traditional AIM AIM Modernized (CPM/LO Module) Resources - Equipment/Non-Equipment/Funding Manpower/Facilities Full support in TPP and TCCD. Locked or Approved TPP and TCCD can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. Limited TPP capability for capturing resource categories and approval process. Fleet Performance Requirements Full support using CTTLs in AIM II and PPP Tables in AIM I. Performance requirements are linked to authoritative technical manuals and policy or procedural documentation for surveillance/maintenance purposes and change impact reporting. Performance requirements can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. Supports fleet performance requirements in the form of NJA Skills Data. Requires AIM Team import and support when updating. Versioning of Skills Data, linking resources to performance requirements, and change impact reporting not yet complete. Learning Objectives Full support for building Learning Objectives while linking to performance requirements and resources for surveillance/maintenance purposes and change impact reporting. Learning objectives can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. Full support for building Navy Learning Objective Statements linked to NJA Skills Data. Versioning of NLOSs, linking of resources to NLOSs, and change impact reporting not yet complete. NLOSs can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. Curriculum Outline of Instruction Full COI support. COI can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. Full COI support. COI can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges
Course Management Functionality AIM Modernized (CPM/LO Module) Course Management Differences Traditional AIM vs Modernized AIM (Cont’d) Course Management Functionality Traditional AIM AIM Modernized (CPM/LO Module) Course Master Schedule Full CMS support. CMS can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. No CMS support. FRB input required. Training Course Control Document Full TCCD support. TCCD output includes training front matter, course data, learning objectives, curriculum outline of instruction, course master schedule, and resource requirements list. TCCD can only by modified by users with appropriate privileges. No TCCD support. FRB input required. Lesson Plan/Instructor Guide Full LP support that links discussion points and related instructor activities to performance requirements, learning objectives, and resources for surveillance / maintenance purposes and change impact reporting. Instructor materials can be produced in several formats (print, pdf, SCORM 2004, and html) for delivery in the classroom. LPs can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. Full LP support that links learning objects to resources for surveillance/maintenance purposes and change impact reporting. Development in work to include linking of NJA Skills Data and NLOSs to learning objectives to further enhance change impact reporting capabilities. Instructor materials can be produced in several formats (print, pdf, SCORM 2004, and html) for delivery in the classroom. Privileges for modifying learning content and learning object management still being defined. FRB input required.
Course Management Functionality AIM Modernized (CPM/LO Module) Course Management Differences Traditional AIM vs Modernized AIM (Cont’d) Course Management Functionality Traditional AIM AIM Modernized (CPM/LO Module) Training Guide/Student Guide Full TG support that links TG Sheets (Outline, Information, Diagram, Job, Problem, and Assignment) to performance requirements, learning objectives, and resources for surveillance/maintenance purposes and change impact reporting. Student materials can be produced in several formats (print, pdf, and included in the LP SCORM 2004 package) for delivery to the student. TGs can only be modified by users with appropriate privileges. Full TG support that links TG Sheets (Outline, Information, Diagram, Job, Problem, and Assignment) to resources for surveillance/maintenance purposes and change impact reporting. Development in work to include linking of NJA Skills Data and NLOSs to TG Sheets to further enhance change impact reporting capabilities. Student materials can be produced in several formats (print, pdf, and included in the LP SCORM 2004 package) for delivery to the student. Privileges for modifying TGs are still being defined. FRB input required.
Content Delivery Methods for ILE compliant learning content developed using the AIM Learning Object Module
AIM LO Module Content viewed in an Internet Browser
AIM LO Module Content running from the Navy’s LMS GAT Server
AIM LO Module Content Running in Rustici Viewer
AIM LO Module Content Running in the Navy’s LCMS
AIM LO Module Assessments in Perception Back to Brief