In this chapter, you will Learn About… The concept of health and different ways to achieve wellness. The skills needed to help you become and stay healthy. The steps of the decision-making process. The goal-setting steps. Living a Healthy Life
Your Health and Wellness In this lesson, you will Learn About… The relationship between health and wellness. Different ways to keep your physical, mental/emotional, and social health in balance.
Your Health and Wellness The Vocabulary terms in this lesson are: Health Wellness Habit
Taking Charge of Your Health Health is a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
Maintaining Your Health Balance – Physical Get regular physical activity, eat nutritious foods, avoid harmful substances, and get enough rest The condition of your body Physical health Activities to Maintain Physical Health DescriptionAspect The table below shows some ways of maintaining physical health.
Maintaining Your Health Balance – Mental/Emotional Maintain a positive attitude; take time to study, to think, and to express feelings in healthy ways. Thoughts and feelings Mental/ emotional health Activities to Maintain Mental/Emotional Health DescriptionAspect The table below shows some ways of maintaining mental/emotional health.
Maintaining Your Health Balance – Social Communicate effectively; spend time with family and friends How you relate to other people Social health Activities to Maintain Social Health DescriptionAspect The table below shows some ways of maintaining social health.
The Health Triangle For good health, all three parts of health, physical, mental/emotional, and social, must be balanced.
Wellness Wellness is a state of well-being, or balanced health. It can be achieved through good health habits. habits
Maintaining Wellness To maintain wellness: Take care of health problems as they come up. Try to protect and improve your health.
Your Personal Health In this activity, you will find out the status of your own health triangle. On the sheet provided to you, read each statement and respond with YES or NO. Count the number of YES and NO answers under each part of health to know how balanced your health triangle is.
Your Personal Health If you scored: 5 or 6 YES answers for an area, you have good health in that area. 2 or less YES answers for an area, you need to work on that area of health.
Reviewing Terms and Facts 1.Spending time with one’s family is a part of Physical health Mental health Social health
Reviewing Terms and Facts 2.Good health habits help you maintain a high level of _______. wellness
Reviewing Terms and Facts 3.What are the three parts of the health triangle? The three parts of the health triangle are Physical health Mental/emotional health Social health
Thinking Critically 4.What is the relationship between health and wellness? Health is a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well being. Wellness is a state of well-being or balanced health. A person can achieve and maintain wellness by having a balanced health triangle.
Vocabulary Review Health is a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well- being.
Vocabulary Review Wellness is a state of well-being, or balanced health.
Vocabulary Review A habit is a pattern of behavior that you follow almost without thinking.
Line up one of the short edges of a sheet of paper with one of the long edges to form a triangle. Fold and cut off the leftover rectangle. Fold the triangle in half, then unfold. The folds will form an X dividing four equal sections.
Cut up one fold line, and stop at the middle. This forms two triangular flaps. Draw an X on one tab, and label the other three Physical, Mental and Social. Fold the X flap under the other flap, and glue together to make a three- sided pyramid.
Write the main ideas about the three parts of health on the back of the appropriate side of the pyramid.
Rate your ability to make healthy decisions. Take the Health Inventory for Chapter 1 at