Instructional Design Models for School Health Education Sandra L. Owen Professional Education Faculty Dept., Kinesiology and Health Georgia State University copyright., 2006
Rationale Statement: provides justification for model selection and lesson focus. It is composed of four paragraphs. 1.Focus of lesson as part of a health unit Example: The focus of the fifth grade health unit is “applying first aid skills in a variety of medical emergencies.” This lesson teaches and applies the Heimlich Maneuver to a conscious and unconscious choking victim. The instructional design model selected is Task Analysis. This model is appropriate because the lesson builds on pre-requisite knowledge, divides a set of complex skills into sequential steps, and incorporates a checklist.
2. A statement about the learner and learning Example: Fifth graders have a high interest in the human body and are especially interested in 1 st Aid. They enjoy the satisfaction of achievement and want independence. Fifth graders learn best by “hands on” application of skill through role play and simulation. This lesson allows students to learn important pre-requisite knowledge that will assist them in accurately performing the necessary sequence of the Heimlich Maneuver.
3. A plan for the lesson Example: Steps for 1 st Aid to a conscious and unconscious choking victim comprise the teach section. The anticipatory set engages students in a skit involving a “choking situation.” In the student activity, students create a “dummy” using a garbage bag stuffed with a pillow. A human outline is drawn on the garbage bag. Students follow a checklist which includes the steps to accurately performing the Heimlich Maneuver. Application of content involves an art activity in which the student makes a visual flowchart of the skill and posts it in a prominent location in his/her home. Students are assessed through observation of skill performance using the checklist as a rubric.
4. A statement about impact of lesson on student as a productive citizen Example: Being able to assess an emergency situation and accurately perform first aid promotes health literacy through problem-solving, critical thinking, and responsible intervention.