There were four major background causes to the fighting in Europe known as World War I European nations began an arms race as they competed for colonies “Secret” alliances between major European powers Europe fighting over colonization of Africa and Asia Extreme love for ones’ nation; similar to patriotism
Great BritainFranceRussia Germany Austrian- Hungarian Empire Ottoman Empire
Serbia The “spark” that will start World War I occurred in the Balkan territory of Serbia Powder Keg of Europe The Balkan Territories called the “ Powder Keg of Europe ” Serbia a thorn in the side of Austria-Hungary, but protected by Russia Franz Ferdinand Gavrillo PrincipBlack Hand The spark was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by terrorist Gavrillo Princip, a member of the Black Hand
Serbia is asked by Austria to meet some incredible demands Austria gives these demands b/c they are backed up by mighty…. Germany, who gives Austria a “blank check” to get what they want out of Serbia, but Serbia is backed by…. Russia, who has declared itself the protector of Serbia
When Germany declares war on Russia, the Alliance System checks in and with it now enters… Great Britain France
Germans knew they had to take France quickly before Russia could mobilize German invasion of France took place through “neutral” Belgium Belgium held German’s off long enough to allow Britain and France to mobilize
American’s hoped the vast distance between them and the war would keep them out of it! Woodrow Wilson asked all Americans to stay neutral
German’s practiced unrestricted submarine warfare to her advantage over the British Navy German’s used U-Boats to gain an advantage U-Boats attempted to sink ships carrying contraband materials Lusitania The first major U-boat sinking was the British passenger liner Lusitania Germany had taken an ad out in the NY newspaper warning Americans not to travel Killed 128 Americans on board Ship WAS carrying contraband Germany promised to warn in future before sinking ships After Lusitania, American public opinion began to change towards Germans
German U-Boats sunk another ship— French passenger liner Sussex—killing 8 Americans Sussex Pledge Germans issued the Sussex Pledge America remained neutral!
He Kept Us Out of War Woodrow Wilson ran for the Presidency in 1916 on the campaign theme “He Kept Us Out of War” It worked and he was re-elected By 1917, Germany had changed its plans and would now begin sinking ships without warning Germany believed it could defeat France and Great Britain before America could ever prepare for war!!!!!
Zimmerman Telegram The straw that broke the camel’s back was the Zimmerman Telegram Zimmerman Telegram proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany One the US was defeated, Mexico would get back some of its lost territories Note was intercepted by British and sent to US Soon after, Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war!
Wilson advised us to be neutral in “deed and in thought” Wilson will campaign in 1916 on the idea that he “kept us out of war” US believed that as a neutral nation, all other nations should honor our neutrality—including Great Britain and Germany The biggest concern for the United States was German “unrestricted submarine warfare” German’s were using U-Boats quite successfully Sunk ships carrying Americans on board including the Lusitania, Sussex, and Arabic The Zimmerman Telegram will be the final straw that will draw America into conflict in Europe
The United States was NOT prepared for fighting in the early stages Selective Service Act passed in order to mobilize forces—draft—no buy out exemptions US forces were called the AEF or The American Expeditionary Forces led by Gen. John J. Pershing Allies called US forces “Yanks” or “Doughboys” Most famous US soldier was Alvin York
It was important to sell the war to the American public! Its job was to sell the war to the American public George Creel Led by George Creel Gave patriotic speeches in support of war Made anything German seem bad!!!!!!!!!
United States also had to produce enough food to feed our soldiers and the Allies and their people Food Administration heads effort to conserve food and boost agricultural output Herbert Hoover Led by Herbert Hoover Victory Gardens Pushes for “Victory Gardens” and “Meatless and Wheatless” days
War Industries Board was to move industry from peacetime to wartime industry Bernard Baruch Led by Bernard Baruch Controlled some parts of the US economy, in particular railroads
Protests against the war and attempts to stop war production were serious US concerns In response, the government passed two major wartime acts: Prohibited anything that tried to create a problem in the military and allowed the Postmaster to read and open all mail Made it a crime to say anything against war bonds or the American government or the war The issue eventually came to head in a famous court cased called Schenck v. US Issue was can free speech be censored or limited during war time? clear and present danger Court ruled that in war time, if the speech creates a “ clear and present danger ” can be prohibited
World War I had a great affect on African Americans Great Migration The Great Migration was the movement of blacks from South to the North for jobs Leads to many race riots in Northern cities African American soldiers fought very well in Europe, but came back to segregation/discrimination
TRENCH WARFARE As the war dragged on, both sides ended up in fighting for little advancement in TRENCH WARFARE
No Man’s Land No Man’s Land is the area between the trench lines Rarely advance into this area without major loss of lives
World War I introduced the world to new weapons of warfare Machine guns, flame throwers, airplanes, Uboats, tanks, etc. Made old tactics no longer viable!!!!
The United States raised money for the war effort in mainly two ways 1.War Bonds 2.Borrowed money
Bolshevik Revolution The Bolshevik Revolution had a dramatic impact on the war effort for the Allies Tsar Nicholas II Russia led by Tsar Nicholas II, but Russians feel they are losing badly and are starving back home Vladimir Lenin Vladimir Lenin will lead a group of people to topple the Tsar and take over Russia Once they take over, they take Russia out of World War I This means Germany can concentrate all of her forces on the Western Front
Labor Unions tended to support the war effort, but not ALL of them! Wobblies Industrial Workers of the World, nicknamed “ Wobblies ”, did NOT support the war effort
There were four major players involved at the Peace Conference to end World War I Fourteen Points Wilson proposed a peace plan based on his famous “ Fourteen Points ” plan end all war Wilson believed he could “ end all war ” with his 14 Points for world peace! Allied nations had their own self-interest and agendas Wilson had to compromise most of his 14 Points in order to get his most loved part…
The two biggest parts of the Versailles Treaty dealt with Germany Put all the blame on Germany for starting World War I Made Germany pay enormous debts to the Allies
In the United States, the biggest challenge for Woodrow Wilson was the Senate led by Henry Cabot Lodge Lodge and his supporters were against the Treaty and were called “Reservationists” The biggest problem of concern was ARTICLE 10—THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Problems Lodge had with the Treaty included: 1.Treaty would take away US power to declare war 2.Treaty would get US involved in situations w/o United States interest 3.Treaty would go against our idea of “no foreign alliances” Lodge made additons (Lodge Resolutions) to the League of Nations that a stubborn Wilson would not accept
After the War, the US returned to a peacetime position Peacetime industry and economy War made the US into a major economic and industrial power US became the largest creditor nation (Obama…you listening?) African American soldiers returned to face discrimination again The Lost Generation began to write books about disillusionment US returned to neutrality and isolationism