Maths & Technologies for Games Stereoscopic Rendering This presentation uses some red/cyan anaglyph images
Lecture Contents 1.Human Vision Depth Perception Binocular Vision Convergence and Accommodation 2.Stereoscopy: Background 3.Stereoscopic Rendering in Practice Parallax Cameras: Parallel / Toe-In / Off-axis Rendering / Combining Two Scenes Anaglyph Display Optimisations 4.Improving the Viewer Experience Adjusting 3D Strength Avoiding Causes of Discomfort
Depth Perception – 2D There are a number of depth cues in a 2D image/video: –Position and perspective Nearer objects are larger and tend to be lower down in our vision –Known sizes of objects, or relative sizes of similar objects –Visible detail / texture Detail is visible with less acuity in the distance –Motion parallax Nearer objects appear to move faster –Shadows and lighting –Occlusion Nearer objects hider further ones –Atmospheric blurring (“distance fog”) None of these require two eyes –Only require monocular vision
2D Depth Cues
Depth Perception – Binocular Vision We gain additional cues from having two eyes: –Convergence We turn our eyes inwards to see nearer objects Our eyes turn almost parallel to see distant objects –Binocular Disparity The image seen in each eye is different Our brain resolves it into one image with depth
Binocular Depth Cues Although we can infer considerable depth information from a single image, binocular depth cues are powerful –Especially for short to medium distances Our instincts and reactions have evolved to rely strongly on our binocular vision –Most predators have forward-facing binocular vision to focus on a target –Prey, on the other hand, often have eyes facing in opposite directions, favouring field of view over depth perception
Binocular Depth Cues
Depth Perception – Accommodation In the real world we get one additional cue: –Accommodation Eye muscles adjust the shape of the lens in our eye To focus the light coming a given distance Stretch the lens flatter to focus on distant objects Squash it to a rounder shape to focus on nearer objects Accommodation does not occur when viewing a flat screen –Accommodate to screen distance regardless of any apparent depth –This can be a cause of discomfort viewing stereoscopic images Our eye muscles are converging, but not accommodating - unnatural
Stereoscopy - Background Stereoscopy enhances the depth perception of an image or video by presenting a different image to each eye –Viewer gets extra depth cues of binocular disparity & convergence The simplest form is just to place two images side-by-side: View the effect by going cross-eyed until the cars merge (easier close-up)
Stereoscopy – Background For a single user, it is possible to provide two sources feeding a truly separate image into left and right eye: –E.g. head-mounted dual displays, or historically, the “View-Master” More common to combine left and right images into a single image and require viewer to wear special glasses –Can be viewed by several people at once However, this presents the problem of how to combine / separate the images –Preferably without quality loss Also, people don’t like to wear glasses…
Stereoscopy via Glasses Three main types of glasses used for stereoscopic viewing Anaglyph –Two images are overlaid using different colour components –Glasses contain two distinct coloured filters to separate out the two images Red/cyan, red/green, or other variants Pros/cons –No special display hardware required –Glasses are cheap –Colour reproduction is poor –Crosstalk – filters not perfect, can see left image in right eye and vice versa
Stereoscopy via Glasses Polarised Light –Polarise the two images differently at source and combine for projection –Glasses contain polarised filters to separate out the images again Pros/cons –Glasses are cheap –Colour reproduction is good –No crosstalk –Requires special projection equipment –Polarisation will reduce brightness of the projected image
Stereoscopy via Glasses Shutter Glasses –Project alternate frames at a high frequency –Glasses blank out each eye in synchrony with the tv / projector Pros/cons –Colour reproduction is good –Little crosstalk –Glasses expensive –Requires capable display
Stereoscopy via Glasses One screen per eye –Screen close to each eye –Or even on the eye – contact lenses Pros/cons –High quality image –No crosstalk or colour problems –No out of screen problems –Expensive (compared to other options) –Can be uncomfortable –Can only be used by one person (Not always expensive, lol)
Stereoscopic Rendering in Practice There are three key steps to stereoscopic rendering: 1.Set up two cameras, one for each eye 2.Render scene with these to two render targets (a stereo pair) 3.Combine the two rendered images into one image for display The first point is straightforward if done correctly –However, there are some pitfalls to avoid Incorrectly rendered stereoscopic 3D may not look immediately wrong, but may give an uncomfortable, sub-standard result The latter two points are also straightforward where performance is not a concern –However, real-world applications need to consider optimisation –Rendering the scene twice is not cheap
Stereoscopic Rendering – Parallax The same object on the left and right rendered scene will typically appear in two slightly different locations The relative positioning determines whether we see the object as near or far. This is called parallax:
Stereoscopic Rendering - Cameras We normally consider the viewer as a single camera When using one camera per-eye, we might initially think to simply offset our single camera to the left, and to the right –Creating two parallel facing cameras –The distance between the cameras is the distance between the eyes –Called the interocular distance This approach will produce a comfortable result, but reduces the scope of the 3D effect –In particular, it is not possible to create negative parallax –I.e. cannot make objects look nearer than the physical screen
Stereoscopic Rendering - Cameras We can try to rotate the cameras inwards in the same way that the eyes turn inwards to focus on an object –Must decide a central focal point –This is called the “toe-in” method –It allows negative parallax But this approach has problems –It introduces vertical parallax Vertical differences between left and right eye –We cannot move our eyes vertically independently so not comfortable –Also sharply limits the comfortable range of depths that can be used Or viewer will have to cross or diverge their eyes too much
Stereoscopic Rendering - Cameras A better approach is to try and combine the above –Parallel camera axes, but inward facing We do this with “off-axis” cameras –Both cameras face the same direction –But offset the rendered area away from the axis towards the centre This produces a comfortable viewing experience Allows for negative parallax –Out of screen effects Requires a special form for the camera projection matrix
Standard Perspective Projection The standard projection matrix uses the near and far clip distances and the camera FOV: –This version reworked to use the viewport aspect ratio We need to update this matrix to shift the centre of the rendered area away from the camera axis
Off-Axis Perspective Projection This is the horizontal off-axis variant: –Note that this appears different from versions you might find online. However, it is equivalent and simpler to work with off x the horizontal offset is just half the interocular distance –The cameras are offset opposite directions –Note that z s is not the same as the near and far clip distances
Rendering / Combining Two Scenes So we set up two cameras, each with their own view and projection matrices –Each view matrix positions the camera at one eye. They both face down the same viewing axis –Each projection matrix is of the form given above Then render the scene normally through each camera –Into two render targets For 3D display hardware, these two render targets are processed by the display API –E.g. Displayed as alternate frames for shutter glasses Alternatively we can combine them in a post-processing pass into one image for display in anaglyph form
Splitting Colours for Anaglyph The core idea of anaglyph is to store two images in the separate colour channels of a single image For example, the left eye image goes into the red channel and the right image into the blue (and green) channels –[For red/cyan anaglyph, other colour variants operate in a similar way] This can be written in matrix form: –Where r,g,b is the combined image, r 1,g 1,b 1 the first image (left) and r 2,g 2,b 2 the second image (right) –This equation simply copies the red from the left eye image into the red of the output, and the green/blue from the right eye into the green/blue of the output
Splitting Colours for Anaglyph Using the colour combining formula from the last slide: We get a result like this: Colour reproduction is poor –Inevitable with anaglyph There is also retinal rivalry –The red in the flowers is much stronger than the green/blue –The eyes get very different images –Very uncomfortable
Splitting Colours for Anaglyph Recognising that anaglyph is not suited to colour reproduction we can create greyscale anaglyph. We get a different formula: A calmer result, but no colour: The formula converts each image to grayscale before copying into the channels of the output –The (0.299,0.587,0.114) coefficients are from the Rec.601 broadcast standard for the luminance of the red, green and blue primaries. It takes account of the fact that for our eyes, green is brighter than red, which is brighter than blue..
Splitting Colours for Anaglyph Half-colour anaglyph calms the red channel by using a greyscale image at its source, but copies the blue/green directly. –Calmer, some colour reproduction Optimised anaglyph creates a fake red channel from the blue and green of the first image –Even calmer image, brighter colour
Optimisations Rendering two scenes will clearly be costly There are a number of optimisations that can be employed given that the two images will be very similar –Screen space reprojection: render the second image from the first by offsetting elements depending on their depth. Use inpainting techniques to fill any gaps. Turns out to be similar to parallax mapping –Render both images at once to a single wide image using the geometry shader to create the duplicate geometry (problems?) –Render with different optimisations in depth slices – e.g. furthest scene elements same in both images, render that slice only once –What else?
Viewer Experience There are a number of settings that can be changed to affect the viewer’s experience of stereoscopic material: –Interocular distance –Distance to the screen plane Affecting how much of the game world comes out of the screen –FOV in projection matrix Each of these may need to be adjusted based on the physical situation of the viewer: –Size of their display and how far away they are from it –Their actual interocular distance! Practically speaking it is as well to set sensible defaults for a given environment (e.g. sofa at home, computer desk) Only adjust interocular distance for “3D strength” slider –Distance to screen plane should be game dependent
Causes of Discomfort Poorly thought-out 3D can be off- putting or even nauseating Problems to avoid: –Extreme negative parallax – things coming too far out of the screen –Window violations with negative parallax – out of screen objects going over the screen edges –Text & UI should normally be on the screen plane (but see below) –Extreme parallax differences in a focus area, e.g. screen plane text over a distant enemy unit making eyes struggle to depth adjust