Microsoft Surface TM Chris Goff 16/06/09
Touch interactivity is all around us Control Panels Point of saleSat Nav Gaming Phone
Interactivity in education SMART BoardsInteractive Overlay Interactive Tables Enrich lessons Collaborative learning Annotation in electronic ink Mostly single touch
How is Surface different? Command Line Interface Graphical User Interface Natural User Interface
Microsoft Surface and NUI Microsoft Surface computing uses sensing and display technology to infuse everyday surfaces with digital content and is comprised of the following unique attributes: Object recognition Multi-user Direct 360 o interaction Multi-touch
How Surface is being used today Automotive Financial Services Healthcare Leisure Retail Education
Introducing Finguistics Collaborative wordplay game English, Spanish, French, Maths KS1 to KS3 Only possible on Surface
When can you buy Surface? Microsoft still in seeding phase General release end 2009 Price – TBC Limited software available – paint, music, photo More titles available after seeding phase as developers release apps.
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3D Projection Overview Martin Parry – Product Division Mgr
3D Background 3 Types of 3D: – Anaglyph – Polarised – Stereoscopic
Anaglyph 3D Uses different colour filters to produce two images within one picture. Can be Red/Blue, Red/Green, or Red/Cyan Pros: Cheap glasses, content is easy to create, technology has been around for decades. Cons: Quality is poor when compared to other technologies
Polarised 3D (current technology) Image separation achieved by polarizing the light differently. Glasses filter the light so that each eye perceives the different image. Special screen must be used to preserve light polarization (aka “Silver Screen”). Pros: Passive glasses are relatively inexpensive Cons: High set-up cost, projectors must be perfectly aligned with one another, special projection screen needed
Stereoscopic 3D using DLP technology Image is generated in a frame sequential format (alternating left & right frames) Shutter glasses are synchronized with the image and turn on/off with each frame of data Pros: Image quality is better, hardware cost is less than polarized option Cons: Glasses cost is higher than passive, limited content at the moment
3D Uses in Education? Appreciate the Arts… Virtual tour the pyramids… Dissect a frog… Visualize molecules… Get a close look at the Sciences Simplify geometry…