News and Updates from the Colleges & Services David J Allen, Registrar and Deputy Chief Executive 12 July 2011
DARO Creating a World Class University Campaign – on target to achieve over £25.4m (including the match funding this will release). End of campaign communications will go out over the next few weeks. The Government Matched Funding has been maximised and the Triple Match Challenge Donations exceed £1m. Against the campaign target of 2,012 hours, more than 7,000 alumni volunteering hours have been achieved since 2008/09. This equates to over 4 years worth of time donated by 830 alumni. Exeter is now one of the top 5 alumni relations offices in the world outside the United States (measured by the International CASE Alumni Relations Survey) Process underway to start developing the feasibility study for a Diamond Jubilee Campaign
The International Exeter short film, narrated by Jonathan Dimbleby, has attracted over 10,000 downloads. A follow up film ‘Science at Exeter’ has been commissioned by CLES. University Office in Bangalore opened on 5 April International Summer School 2011 70 students attending from many World Class institutions from 16 July- 06 August 50 Exeter students participating in summer school activities overseas To-date 47 faculty have been awarded Outward Mobility Academic Fellowships in the 2010/122 academic year, tenable at 33 leading institutions in 9 countries. First phase of residential accommodation at Duryard was completed in January 2011 International Exeter
The fifth Annual Gulf Alumni Dinner was held on 31 March hosted by His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan bin Mohamed Al Qasimi, the Ruler of Sharjah. USA – the Exeter/Browne Scholarship in Material Culture and Globalisation has been agreed by both Universities. International Student Experience; Exeter one of the highest rated institutions in the i-graduate survey. Exeter scored well for its international support office and student support and 91% of students rated Exeter as a good place to live. Official opening of INTO building took place on 19 May. INTO working with Colleges to extend their range of academic programmes. International Exeter Cont…
Sport – Exeter is 8 th in the British Universities and Colleges Sports League (BUCS) The University has been given a first class award for environmental performance for the third year running in the People and Planet Green League. Corporate Services achieved “Customer First” re- accreditation this year Corporate Services
Academic Services Cornwall Campus Main construction contractors appointed for ESI and Exchange buildings and work now progressing on site. Programme of summer works to address key campus improvements underway Cornwall Review initiated and in progress Employability High Fliers Research has identified Exeter as one of 20 Universities targeted by the most UK top graduate employers Exeter’s Graduate destination metric has risen from last year’s score of 70.3% to 72.9% Reached target of 500 students completing the Exeter Award in 2010/11
Academic Services Cont… New Staff Student Information Desk team for Forum appointed and will take up posts from August and September Head of Wellbeing Services appointed New Arts and Culture Team established Awards / Accolades Letters of thanks from residents published in local press commending students on efforts in local community External accreditation of the University’s ASPIRE programme by the Higher Education Academy Awarded a £100k two year bid to support the development of digital literacies strategies across the University.
Academic Services Cont… New Technology eSR1 System was launched and has been a great success An enterprise-wide Careers Administration and Management System has been procured. This will provide 24/7 customised access job and extra- curricular opportunity alerts, appointments, event bookings etc. Developing an Exeter Welcome Week App which will help students during their first few weeks at University Information Security Now rolling out encryption to staff laptops to protect us in the event of loss or theft of machines New software licence management software is currently being installed and will allow us to reconcile software usage with licence entitlement.