JeFit Personal Trainer By Kyle Muckley
JeFit Personal Trainer JeFit Personal Trainer is a free app that will help take all workouts to the next level. The Jefit app helps lifters of any level construct and execute workout plans. Jefit is an incredible tool for beginners, not only does it have pre-made workout plans, it has step-by-step workouts with videos demonstrating the movement as well.
JeFit Create a personal accountCreate a personal account Join an online fitness communityJoin an online fitness community Find workout plansFind workout plans Create personal workout plansCreate personal workout plans
Workout day by day break down of individual routinesday by day break down of individual routines Provides pictures set count and repetition countProvides pictures set count and repetition count record your workout in a interactive digital notebookrecord your workout in a interactive digital notebook
Exercise Step by step demonstration of the exerciseStep by step demonstration of the exercise Easy to use muscle selectionEasy to use muscle selection tons of weight training and body weight exercisestons of weight training and body weight exercises
Progress Track your project in an interactive logTrack your project in an interactive log Recored personal benchmarksRecored personal benchmarks Identify your favorite exercisesIdentify your favorite exercises
Overview Jefit is the perfect app for any individual who is looking to get the most out of their training. Not only will jefit help users create workout plans, it will also broaden their horizons to a plethora of of new exercises and the proper way they are done. The on line community is there to help provide feedback, support, and motivation for all lifters. In conclusion this app will help anyone looking to get active.