A College Success Course for the New Millennial Generation Susie Wood and Marsha Fralick
Author of CollegeScope TM Student Success Program Outstanding First-Year Advocate Award recipient Published numerous research articles Community College Review National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition Monograph Series Received the California Community Colleges Board of Governors Exemplary Program Award Founding faculty of Cuyamaca College Dr. Marsha Fralick
Ice Breaker Introduce yourself and tell where you work. What motivated you to attend this presentation?
Characteristics of the New Millennial Generation Using technology to engage New Millennials Keys to Success Demo of CollegeScope Retention results Overview
Going Green! All handouts are located at:
Who are the New Millennials?
Our current college students were born after 1992 Most were born with a computer in the home and were using them by age 5 The connected generation 82% are online daily Average 12 hours per week online New Millennials
Use Technology to Connect 50% send or receive a text message daily 29% use instant messages daily 44% have a profile on Facebook or MySpace and 38% use them daily (from Pew Research)
E What does the “E” stand for? These New Millennial students are now being called Generation E
New Millennials or Generation E years old Empowered Entitled Electronic o Leading change from paper to electronic media
Where are you? Baby boomer ( ) Generation X ( ) New Millennials ( ) How much technology did you use in college? Technology Continuum
Hippies Yuppies Zippies What Comes Next?
Use technology to make education engaging and inescapable Keys to Success
Online career and learning style assessment E-text Online portfolio Engaging material for the New Millennial generation Using Technology
Most college courses, especially upper division courses, have online components Working in an online environment is essential for high paying careers Students are disadvantaged if they do not have access to the Internet and are skilled in using it Technology
Improves retention and success New roles for faculty Your students use it It captures their attention Education any time or place Rationale for Using Technology
Comprehensive curriculum Keys to Success
Personality and Related Majors Learning Style and Intelligence Interests and Values Career and Educational Planning Career Success
Motivation Time and Money Memory and Reading Test Taking Taking Notes, Writing and Speaking College Success
Communication and Relationships Critical and Creative Thinking Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Appreciating Diversity Positive Thinking Life Stages Lifelong Success
Make it Count Transfers as general education for CSUC, Area E, Lifelong Understanding Transfers to University of California 3 units Key to Success
The program helps students to make a good choice of a major and career Keys to Success
Personality Carl Jung and personality type Online:
Keys to Success The program helps students to understand their learning style and how to become a lifelong learner
Measures preferences in 20 areas: o Perceptual o Environmental o Emotional o Sociological o Physical Learning Style
Foundation for personal and career development based on: Personality type Learning style Multiple intelligences Interests Values Strength-Based
Motivation Students are motivated to complete their education when they have made a good choice of a major and career based on their personal strengths
Encourages Self-Responsibility Making a good career choice Developing an educational plan Setting goals Managing time to reach goals
Positive thinking Hope for the future Future-mindedness Emphasis
College Success 1 Training in person or online Resources and Training
CollegeScope Demo Take a Look
Results Implementing CollegeScope resulted in a 26% increase in fall to spring persistence!
CollegePersistence rate of all Student Types Persistence rate of CollegeScope students CyFair79%94% Kingwood67%82% Montgomery77%88% North Harris81%90% Tomball70%82% System Average75%87% Results
College Success: A Study of Positive and Negative Attrition
Had a definite goal or college major Based on this research, choosing a major and career planning was included in our college success course The Successful Student
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