By: Stella Petty Weather Instruments
Wind vane A Wind Vane is an instrument used to measure wind direction. A Wind Vane points where the wind is coming from.
Hygrometer Hygrometers measure hummidy. How much water vapor that can be in the air depends on air temperature.
Barometer A Barometer measures air pressure. When it’s readings are low a storm is coming. When it’s readings are high the weather is fine.
Thermometer A thermometer measures temperature. A thermometer has mercury or alcohol in it. Galileo invented the thermometer.
Anemometer Anemometers measure wind speed. Cups on the top spin when wind blows into them. The faster the wind, the faster they spin.
Rain Gauge The four precipitations are rain, sleet, snow and hail. Rain is measured with a rain gauge. The tube on it measures rain.
Nephoscope A nephoscope is an instrument used to measure the movement of clouds.