Major Differences between Czech and British Educational System
Compulsory School Attendance GB 1880 Up to the age of 13 CZ 1774 Up to the age of 12
The School – leaving Age These Days GB 16 CZ 15
Schooling Is Compulsory GB From the age of 5 CZ From the age of 6
The School Day Starts GB At 9 a.m. CZ At 8 a.m.
Subjects Taught GB - national curriculum - Foreign language (at least one, 14 – 16) - No repeating (exception GCSE´s and A levels) CZ - the national syllabus - Foreign language (one, from their 4 th year) - Repeating is possible
Marking GB Marked by letters A - F CZ Marked by numbers 1 to 5
Teaching Style Much debate
Private Schools : Fees GB 5000 – £ CZ 5000 – CZK
School Year GB 3 terms September-July CZ 2 terms September-June
Pre-school Education GB - nursery schools or kindergarten (since they are 3 years old) CZ - nursery schools or kindergarten (3-6) - Creches (from 6 month to 3 years)
Primary Education GB - 90% at state schools - Independent schools – uniform, single-sex - Infant + juniors CZ - private or church schools rare - No uniforms
Secondary Education GB - Comprehensive schools - Grammar schools - Age of 16 - GCSE CZ - Grammar schools - Special schools - Vocational schools - School leaving examination
Higher (Tertiary) Education GB - Universities - Teacher training colleges - Other colleges CZ - Universities or colleges last from 3-6 years - Entrance examination