INTRODUCTION TO GALAPAGOS ISLANDS The Galapagos islands can be said that is the most beautiful island in all the world, it was introduced by its “founder” Charles Darwin, with his theory of evolution It has 19 volcanic islands It has one of the most interesting and important flora and faun in the world Has the big threat of invasive species of the rat, the goat and dogs in between others.
INVASIVE SPECIES Invasive species are a type of animal such as a horse or a rat which is introduced by some boat or settler who brought the animal with it Most invasive species are threats to their ecological system they life know in. Most of them are ecological threats although others just don’t have higher threats but still have some impact on the place
INVASIVE SPECIES ON GALAPAGOS ISLANDS Throughout the Galapagos islands history many animals have had the chance to become part in their ecological system although they don’t necessarily are meant to live there Most of the introduced animals to the Galapagos islands where introduced by pirate boats or colonies who passed through the islands leaving their animals there Goats, cats, rats and much other are some of the invasive species which are a huge threat to Galapagos ecological system, most of them kill the flora and the native fauna
TABLE Name of speciesHow introduced Impact Control GoatsBy pirates as source of foodThe are a “palgue” upon vegatation By their predators such as hawks, dogs and feral pigs HorsesBy spanish boats who mostly left their horses there No high ecological impactNo control has been taking CattleUsed for food in long journeys and left there by settlers Threat to vegetationTheir meat is highly considered for selling meat DogsEscaped from boatsHuge predator impact, dogs attack in small groups killing cattle and marine iguanas Feral dogs have been eradicated form the most important islands
GOATS AS INVASIVE SPECIES ON GALAPAGOS One of Galapagos biggest ecological threat is the goat. The goat was introduced by pirate boats, the goats where used a source of food and know are one of the biggest predators of the Galapagos history In 1997 there was an estimate on how many goats there where around Galapagos islands and the estimated number was of: 100,000 to 150,000 Goats are mostly in huge groups and are a threat to Galapagos ecological system by: eating their plants, causing erosion, eat food native animals need, they reproduce in massive amounts Galapagos helpers cant do much in respect of this animals, some of them have gone with guns and tried to kill some of the goats but their reproduction rate is astonishing and they just have to wait until some hawk or wild pig kills them
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