Deng Xiaoping
Chairman Mao’s body preserved for posterity Who will replace Mao?
LEFTISTS Gang of Four Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing Her top supporters Zhang Chunqiao Yao Wenyuan Wang Hongwen RIGHTISTS Restorationists Hua Guofeng advocated a return to orthodox socialist central planning along the Soviet model Reformers Deng Xiaoping wanted to overhaul the Chinese economy based on pragmatic policies
Hua Guofeng Mao’s immediate successor has “gang of four” arrested Media campaign was then launched against them, dubbing them the Gang of Four and blaming them for all the excesses of the Cultural Revolution
Deng Xiaoping Assumes power in China Initially Lifted price controls Allowed private (market based economy) enterprise in special free market zones
Increase Agricultural Production Expand Industry Develop Science and Technology Upgrade Chinas defense forces
Increase machine farming Make China self-sufficient in food production Dismantled collective farming Families responsible to make it’s own living Sold a portion of harvest to government and the rest could be sold on the open market Shift from heavy industry to light industry Manufacturers could make decisions about what to produce as long as they made a profit
Economic modernization became focus U.S.-P.R.C. diplomatic relations in 1971 Ping Pong Diplomacy (opened the way for re-opening of China-US relations) President Richard Nixon knew mending relations with China would be critical in the future
According to one PBS article, “One of the first public hints of improved U.S. – China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31 st World Table Tennis Championships, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the P.R.C. Time magazine called it “The ping heard round the world.” Ushering in a new era of “Ping Pong Diplomacy,” they were the first group of Americans allowed in China since the Communist takeover in 1949.
Deng improved foreign relations United States Called for an “open door” policy Set up Special Economic Zones (SEZ)
Areas where Chinese investors and entrepreneurs could start businesses with little government intervention Result: Increased migration Increased outside investment in China Exports rose from $14 billion in 1979 to $1.19 trillion in 2009 Imported $922 billion in products in 2009 Worldwide, China earned an estimated $273-billion surplus for 2009
Shenzhen Grew from a small fishing village into a modern city
Because Deng eased strict economic controls… Sent students to study abroad Welcomed foreign investment Many pressed for more democratic political reform Organized rallies to demand political freedom
Democracy Wall Democracy wall was a long brick wall on Xidan Street in Beijing. The wall became the focal point for democratic dissent against the communist government in China. These posters placed on the wall were initially aimed at criticizing the Gang of Four and previous failed government policies. The wall was closed in December of 1979 when the current administration (Deng Xiaoping’s) and the communist party system were being criticized along with the mistakes of previous leaders. One final poster was added to the wall before it was forbidden to post again. The final poster was titled, “The Firth Modernization” and was in reference to Deng’s “Four Modernizations” domestic policy which stated he was to make changes in Agriculture, Industry, Science & Technology, and finally National Defense. Wei Jingsheng, author of the final poster to be placed on Democracy wall stated that the “Fifth Modernization,” which was left off of Deng’s list should have been Democracy. After reading the two paragraphs below explain why Wei Jingsheng added Democracy to the list of Deng Xiaoping’s Four Modernizations.
Students initially allowed to gather in Tiananmen Square June 1989 Ordered to go home when they brought in a “democracy goddess” to the square Symbolized demands for greater democracy
Army opened fire when protesters refused to leave Several thousand killed or wounded Government arrested, tortured, and sometimes executed pro-democracy leaders
Simpson’s commentary China then denied that any deaths had taken place at Tiananmen Square Later admitted to some casualties, but not as many as reported by witnesses
Why does this cartoon provide two negative outcomes for internet search engine use? What is the author of this cartoon suggesting about internet use and freedom of information in China?
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China’s One-Child Policy
Imagine you were hired to provide the caption for this cartoon. What would it say?