LOCAL IMPACTS AROUND AIRPORTS Jon Bottomley AOA Environment Conference 28 April 2014
LOCAL IMPACTS AROUND AIRPORTS The local impacts of airports can be either negative or positive – so accentuate the positive and minimise the negative The negative impacts are generally felt locally, but the positive impacts are felt regionally There can be a tendency to focus on managing the negative impacts, particularly noise and also to focus on those who shout loudest 2
ENVIRONMENT Noise remains the principal issue for most airports despite the reductions in noise contour areas and the use of quieter aircraft Night noise – at EMA 33% of movements take place at night Climate change – energy efficiency deploy renewables, but there are suggestions that the ‘elephant in the room’ is being ignored Local air quality – local road traffic, not always airport-related. Community concern about odour Water – surface water run-off – local flooding – topical at the moment 3
LAND Scale of airports – large sites, open areas, lighting. Often on the edge of urban areas – Green Belt Substantial land requirements for new infrastructure, especially runways Land required for car parking Land designations and Protected Species - mitigation Landscape and visual impact mitigation works Aerodrome safeguarding development restrictions – buildings, water-bodies, wind turbines Attracting other uses and developments (and housing) to an area – overheating? 4
ECONOMY Working with partners to maximise the Airport’s contribution to the region Airports are seeking to provide better connectivity, developing the range of destinations in key markets – pax and cargo Growing the Airport’s economic contribution. £239m of annual GVA at EMA Providing on-site employment opportunities – 6,730 jobs at EMA in 2013 Working on employability. The EMA Airport Academy – since June completed pre-employment training – 114 have got jobs 5
SURFACE ACCESS Delivering good quality and reliable transport services sustainable travel choices Airports can also serve as local transport interchanges The airport can provide a critical mass to sustain transport services in its local area Excellent surface access contributes to local economic development and local employment. But airports can contribute to local road traffic and local air quality effects Kiss and Fly journeys, and parking in local area 6
COMMUNITY What’s Community Relations’ job? 7,978 complaints in 2006, 737 complaints in 2013 – small number of complainants 3,000 school and student visits to the Aerozone and East Minilands Talking directly to the community at Outreach events in local villages, Parish Council meetings Investing in the Community, £50K to the Community Trust Fund Working in the community – colleague volunteering Makes good business sense – and a parent who’s child’s had a great day of work experience is less likely to complain! 7
LOCAL IMPACTS AROUND AIRPORTS 8 The aviation industry must ensure that growth goes hand-in-hand with environmental and social responsibility Successful airports are those that develop and retain lasting partnerships with customers, local authorities and neighbours There are many positive local impacts A sustainable approach seeks to maximise the benefits and minimise harm