Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories AUSTRALIAN PARTNERSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE REPOSITORIES Caul Meeting 2005/2 Brisbane 15 September 2005
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories PARTNERS The Australian National University (Lead institution) The National Library of Australia The University of Sydney The University of Queensland Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC)
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories Scope overall focus on critical issues of access continuity to and sustainability of digital collections determination to build on base of demonstrators for digital continuity and sustainability embedded in developmental repository facilities within partner institutions aspiration to contribute to national strength by encouraging development of skills and expertise and by providing coordination throughout the sector via a platform of national services and international linkages
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories APSR Developments Appointment of new Executive Officer, Dr Adrian Burton, April 2005 July 2005 issue of Sustaining Repositories newsletter published Presentations The challenge of managing and preserving eResearch, Chris Rusbridge, Canberra, 9 June 2005 National Perspectives on Sustainable Repositories, Colloquium, Canberra, 10 June 2005 IRUA Forum on Digital Repositories, Adelaide, 30 June 2005 Creating publications from a DSpace repository, Scott Yeadon, 2 nd DSpace Federation User Group Meeting, Cambridge UK, 7 July 2005 Establishing a Digital Repository Service, Workshop, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, August 2005
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories Digital Sustainability (Core Program) APSR Sustainability Issues Discussion Paper made available from APSR website Sustainability analysis of APSR testbed repositories completed Requirement Specification of Preservation Metadata Capability in Open Source Repositories project begun Automatic Obsolescence Notification Service (AONS) project funded
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories Practices and Testbeds Program (1) Implementation of Repository Technology in a Standards Framework (ANU) Further collections added to ANU DSpace production and development servers including source files for ANU E Press titles DSpace-in-a-box, a one-stop DSpace installation package, made available from ANU Digital Resource Services downloads site Continuing involvement in further development of code for DSpace software Project to develop techniques and skills for the long-term sustainable storage of wordprocessed documents within a university environment begun
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories Practices and Testbeds Program (2) Sustainability and Interoperability in a Complex Distributed Environment (University of Sydney) Open source middleware, iSpheres, introduced to serve range of digital objects across distributed heterogeneous data repositories (initially iSpheresImage applied to Archaeology, Architecture, Botany and Pathology image collections) Sustainability guidelines and checklist under development for use when planning design or redesign of repositories Project initiated to develop and extend existing data storage arrangements between PARADISEC and APAC to other repositories DSpace adopted as University of Sydney Library institutional repository platform and use of Cocoon software to be trialled to facilitate publication of selected content through University of Sydney Press PoD service
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories Practices and Testbeds Program (3) eScholarship Australia (University of Queensland) Basic management interface and access control/authentication layer for eSpace digital repository system using Fedora completed Release of software for flexible digital repository and workflow management system (PHP and MySQL based, working as a front end and administration tool above Fedora) scheduled for end 2005 UQ Research Finder further developed Identification of primary research data repositories suitable for harvesting into eSpace continuing
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories National Services Program National Perspectives on Sustainable Repositories, Colloquium, Canberra, 10 June 2005 IRUA Forum on Digital Repositories, Adelaide, 30 June 2005 Establishing a Digital Repository Service, Workshop, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, August 2005 (Adelaide, 6 October 2005) Data-Intensive Research: Challenges and Issues, Public Lecture, Reagan Moore, Canberra, 29 September 2005 Data-Intensive Research and Analysis: Preservation Environments and the Data Grid, Tutorial, Reagan Moore, Canberra, 30 September 2005 Supporting Research Community Data Collections, APAC/APSR Workshop, Canberra, October 2005 Open Repositories 2006 (Repository Projects Forum, User Group Meetings, Technical Tutorials, Workshop and Symposium), Sydney, 1-3 February 2006
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories International Linkages Program Digital Curation Centre visit of Chris Rusbridge, 9-10 June 2005 DSpace Federation ANU among 6 partners developing code for DSpace software participation in User Group Meeting, Cambridge UK, 7-8 July 2005 SETIS, PARADISEC, ACL/SSIU/TimeMap University of Sydney participation Thomson Scientific (ISI) Web Citation Index Project ANU and Monash participating (with CalTech, Cornell, Max Planck Society, NASA/Langley, University of Rochester) Digital Publishing System (DPubS) (Cornell and Penn State) ANU participation New Zealand Institutional Repositories Symposium, Wellington, 23 November 2005 ANU and University of Queensland presenting
Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories Thank you Vic Elliott 15 September 2005