Math/Science Lesson By: Rebecca Freeman 3 rd Grade
The purpose of this lesson is for students to learn in detail what the characteristics of the apple are. They will learn how to graph information and conduct a frequency chart from the graph.
SC.3.N.1.3: Keep records as appropriate, such as pictorial, written, or simple charts and graphs, of investigations conducted. MA.3.S.7.1: Construct and analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, pictographs, and line plots from data, including data collected through observations, surveys, and experiments.
Students will use different types of apples (different shapes, sizes, and colors) that have been cut open to chart things such as the amount of seeds, the color, and the texture of the inside of the apple. They will then compare the findings with each apple they observe.
Given several apples (cut open by the teacher) the student will graph comparisons (seeds, color, and texture) with 100% accuracy. Given a graph of the apples, the student will conduct a frequency chart of the different characteristics with 100% accuracy.
Apples of different size, shape, and color Tweezers or other object to extract seeds Notebooks Pencil Graph provided by teacher Frequency chart provided by teacher
Students will watch the video about the different types of apples. U5wkPiBcc_4&feature=related
Did you know that there are many different types of apples? We use apples for many different things. Can you name some of the things that apples are used for? Food, good! What kind of food can you make with apples? All apples are different. They may have a different shape or a different color. Do all apples have the same amount of seeds inside? We are going to take these apples and find out how many seeds they have. We are also going to look at the different colors and textures of the apples. What is the white part of the inside of the apple called? The Flesh. Read: Apples Here! By: Will Hubbell We are going to begin our lesson to see WHAT’S INSIDE? Each table is going to be a group and work together.
(the teacher places different types of apples on each group table-do not cut open) Look at the apples that are on your table. Graph the color of the apples first. Record in your journal what you observe. You will not have the same amount of each color. This will be your frequency chart. Next, you are going to graph small apples and large apples. When you are done with that graph, I will come around and cut open your apples. Now you are to take out the seeds and record which color apples have how many seeds. Take notes in your journals and record your findings on your chart.
Yellow Green Red Color Graph
large small RedGreenYellow Size Graph *record the number of apples in the blank square.
What color apple?How many seeds?
*Record answers in your journal. From your observations, which color apples did you have the most of? The least? Which apples were the largest according to your chart? The smallest? Which apples had the most seeds according to your chart? The least? Is there a connection between the size of the apple and the amount of seeds found? What are your observations?
Today we learned many new things about apples. We learned how many different types of food can come from apples. We also investigated apples and their color, size, and seeds. As we discovered in our lesson, there are many different types of apples as well as many different shapes and sizes. Not all apples are the same, nor do they taste the same! The next time you cut open an apple, look to see how many seeds it has!
In their notebooks/journals, students will answer questions from the lesson with 100% accuracy using the graphs and information found. Students will receive points for participation.
Logical/Mathematical: graphing and recording frequency. Spatial: visualizing the apples and extracting the seeds from inside the apple. Spatial: making comparisons. Interpersonal: working as a group.