Jeopardy! Pax Romana Julius Caesar Decline & Fall Emperors Christian Era Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy Terms & People Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500
$100 Question from Pax Romana Pax Romana means this.
$100 Answer from Pax Romana Roman Peace
$200 Question from Pax Romana He was the first emperor during the Pax Romana. He was responsible for building many of Rome’s great buildings.
$200 Answer from Pax Romana Augustus Caesar
$300 Question from Pax Romana The Coliseum, which was bulit during the Pax Romana, holds about this many people.
$300 Answer from Pax Romana 50,000 – 70,000 people
$400 Question from Pax Romana The emperors immediately after Nero were called this.
$400 Answer from Pax Romana the “Good” Emperors
$500 Question from Pax Romana He was the emperor most responsible for making Rome economically strong during the Pax Romana.
$500 Answer from Pax Romana Marcus Aurilius
$100 Question from Julius Caesar Why was Julius Caesar murdered?
$100 Answer from Julius Caesar Senators thought he was getting too much power.
$200 Question from Julius Caesar Name one reform Julius Caesar enacted during his rule of Rome.
$200 Answer from Julius Caesar Julian Calendar, fed the poor, broke up the latifundias, have the poor land.
$300 Question from Julius Caesar This was Julius Caesar’s great nephew who eventually becomes Rome’s first emperor. (His “real name” is needed for this question.)
$300 Answer from Julius Caesar Octavian
$400 Question from Julius Caesar Julius Caesar (and his troops) defies the Senate and crosses this river, which begins a civil war in Rome.
$400 Answer from Julius Caesar the Rubicon River
$500 Question from Julius Caesar Before Julius Caesar becomes dictator he rules with two other men. They had equal power. What is this called?
$500 Answer from Julius Caesar a triumvirate
$100 Question from Emperors This emperor was probably insane; he had his mother killed and is said to have started a fire that burned much of Rome.
$100 Answer from Emperors Nero
$200 Question from Emperors He was the first of Rome’s emperors; he was in power during the Pax Romana.
$200 Answer from Emperors Augustus Caesar
$300 Question from Emperors This emperor built the Coliseum where Nero had built his lake.
$300 Answer from Emperors Vespasian
$400 Question from Emperors He was the emperor who built a wall in Britain to keep the enemy out.
$400 Answer from Emperors Hadrian
$500 Question from Emperors The first emperors after Julius Caesar were called the ________-Claudian emperors.
$500 Answer from Emperors Julio
$100 Question from Christian Era Most Romans believed that the early Christians were simply a sect of this first monotheistic religion.
$100 Answer from Christian Era Judaism
$200 Question from Christian Era He preached that “God’s rule was close at hand” and that people should turn away from their sins.
$200 Answer from Christian Era Jesus of Nazareth
$300 Question from Christian Era He is probably the saint most responsible for the spread of Christianity after the crucifixion of Jesus.
$300 Answer from Christian Era Paul
$400 Question from Christian Era This emperor was considered the protector of Christianity; he issued the Edict of Milan.
$400 Answer from Christian Era Constantine
$500 Question from Christian Era This emperor made Christianity Rome’s official religion; all other religions were banned.
$500 Answer from Christian Era Theodosius
$100 Question from Decline & Fall Rome was invaded by these tribes.
$100 Answer from Decline & Fall Germanic (from Europe and Asia)
$200 Question from Decline & Fall Many historians believe that this religion helped Rome fall.
$200 Answer from Decline & Fall Christianity
$300 Question from Decline & Fall Explain two specific reasons why Rome fell.
$300 Answer from Decline & Fall Christianity; mercenaries in the army; poison from the aqueducts; too much welfare (people got lazy); not enough offspring; barbarian invasions; the empire was too big.
$400 Question from Decline & Fall This is officially the last year of the Roman Empire (must be exact).
$400 Answer from Decline & Fall 476 AD or CE
$500 Question from Decline & Fall Name one specific tribe that successfully invaded Rome.
$500 Answer from Decline & Fall Vandals, Visigoths, Huns
$100 Question from Terms & People These were the artificial waterways built to give Romans running water.
$100 Answer from Terms & People Aqueducts
$200 Question from Terms & People During the empire this was the area in Rome where government business took place.
$200 Answer from Terms & People The Forum
$300 Question from Terms & People This was built by the emperor Hadrian to honor the Roman gods
$300 Answer from Terms & People Pantheon
$400 Question from Terms & People What was the name of the chariot race track that was built during the Pax Romana. It could seat about 150,000 people.
$400 Answer from Terms & People Circus Maximus
$500 Question from Terms & People Many of this groups people were enslaved and used to build the Coliseum after a failed rebellion.
$500 Answer from Terms & People Jews (from Jerusalem)
Final Jeopardy Catagory Pax Romana
Final Jeopardy What is the name of the Roman Road that led from the city of Rome to the southern Italian peninsula?
Final Jeopardy Answer Appian Way