Created by Rachel Pettigrew Spring 2009
Social Studies - Fourth Grade Culture Content Standard: 1.0 Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and traditions. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures. Learning Expectations: 1.02 Discuss cultures and human patterns of places and regions of the world. 1.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations. 1.04 Understand the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, and socioeconomic groups to Tennessee. Accomplishments Understand the diversity of human cultures. Describe cultures of Native American tribes. Discuss cultures and human patterns of places and regions of the world. Explore similarities and differences in how groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns. Compare how people from different cultures think about and handle their physical environments and social conditions. Performance Indicators State: As documented through state assessment - At Level 1, the student is able to 4.1.spi.1. identify pre-Colonial Native American groups (i.e., Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Aztec, Mayans, Olmec, Mississippi Mound Builders). At Level 2, the student is able to 4.1.spi.4 examine how Native American culture changed as a result of contact with European cultures. (i.e. decreased population, spread of disease, increased conflict, loss of territory, increase of trade.)
Players will divide into two teams. The team with the oldest player will begin first. Begin by clicking on the icon that says start. The first question will appear and Team 1 has a chance to answer the question. If they get the question right (which they will know by clicking the forward arrow for the answer) then they score 2 points. If they answer wrong no points are scored and Team 2 can now click on the 2 nd icon, following the arrows. The team that has the most points when reaching the chief headdress wins and becomes the Cherokee Chief. If for any reason the player wants to end the game they can click the home button and log out.
Team 1Team 2
How many tribes existed in the Cherokee nation?
Give one example to show the difference between the European and Indian cultures.
Europeans had a written language
What was the Indian word for corn?
What were moccasins made of?
Animal hide
Besides vegetables, what did the Indians eat?
Wild game
What was used to chip arrowheads into shape?
Deer antlers
Before the Europeans introduced new weapons, what weapons were used by the Indians?
Tomahawks Bow and arrows
How did young girls contribute to their tribes?
They made pottery and jewelry
How did young boys contribute to their tribes?
They made weapons
Describe the difference between a tribe and a clan.
A tribe is a community whereas a clan is a group within the tribe, usually a family
Who was the leader of a tribe?
The chief
Why do you think Tennessee was considered the “wild west”?
At that point in time Europeans had not explored very far into what is now America and Indians were considered to be uncivilized to the Europeans
What Indian Territory covered what is present day Tennessee?
Why was an arrowhead useful for hunting?
It had a very sharp point and because it was made of stone, it was heavy on impact
What were the Cherokees shelters made of?
Mud and logs
What are some examples of wild game hunted by the Indians?
Squirrels Buffalo Deer
What kind of vegetables besides maize did the Cherokee eat?
Beans squash
Why were ceremonies important?
It showed the significance of something very meaningful and important to the culture
Name the seven tribes of the Cherokee Indians.
Wolf Bear Deer Bird Wild Potato Blue longhair
What was pottery usually made from?