1 Choosing and Downloadin g a Genealogy Program Birthstone Tree, Sid Fey Designs, Carol Stream, Illinois, PowerPoint presentation by Joyce A. Brannan, Technical Services Librarian, Julia Tutwiler Library, University of West Alabama, Livingston, Alabama.
2 There are many genealogy programs available. Top Ten Reviews, an eCatapuit Company, has a report comparing the top ten genealogy software programs, review.com. This report is free on the web. It includes questions for you to analyze your needs and make an informed decision before purchasing a program to compile your family history. review.com P.A.F., Personal Ancestral File is rated fourth. It does contain all the features that most people will want in a genealogy program. I will concentrate on this program because it is available as a free download from $$$
3 P.A.F. is designed by and the copyright owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is provided free for personal use.
4 This is the home page of the LDS Family Search. Select Order/Download Products.
5 You may order a disk for under $10 if you do not wish to download from the Internet. The download is free and may be installed on as many computers as you wish.
6 For information, click on the first item. To download, click on “Download” next to the first item.
7 SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD - LICENSE AGREEMENT Personal Ancestral File Multi-Language (9.7 MB) You will get a screen with this information in several languages. At the bottom of the page, click “Continue.” English: Use of the Personal Ancestral File software is subject to the license agreement outlined in the installation procedure.
8 This registration form has many items but only the items indicated as “mandatory” must be filled out.
9 The instructions are numbered. It is recommended that you select the FTP download button not the link.
10 There are other options that you may also select. The lessons are not needed from this web page. They are included in the PAF download.
11 You can choose either option. I demonstrate “save” because some people feel more comfortable using this method.
12 Remember where you tell the computer to put the program!!!
13 This box tells you how the download is progressing. Be patient. Speed depends on your connection to the Internet.
14 Now you must find the PAF program.
15 Type in the name of the program. Either PAF or family should work. Select the application.
16 This works automatically. When it is complete, select “Next.”
17 This also works automatically. Just keep hitting “next.”
18 Be sure that you are putting the program where you want the program!!
19 It is highly recommended that you place the shortcut on your desktop.
20 PAF Icon
21 That’s it!! You now have P.A.F. on your computer and can start compiling your family history.