By: Chisom Alozie
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: To develop a budget for Shreve Island summer day camp. To hire a responsible, educated, and trained staff. To acquire sponsors. To develop staff members. Shreve Island summer day camp will create a safe environment! To provide a positive location to the community and push kids to excel.
The focus of Shreve Island Summer Day Camp is to reach out to children by providing a safe place to participate in programs and activities. The camp is designed to help, benefit, and push children to succeed in their own personal goal. It is shown in case studies that if children are given a reliable, well equipped facility and productive activities during leisure time. They will also have opportunities for academic growth and development. The survey is to get your interest about what you would like from our program? Survey: Please take a minute to fill out this survey! 1.How much would you be willing to pay for our services, is over $500 too much? Yes No 2.Has your child ever attended a summer day camp? Yes No 3.Do you prefer camp issued lunch or would you bring your own lunch? Camp Bring your own 4.Do you agree with daily pool time? Yes No 5.Are you comfortable with your kids going on field trips ? Yes No
Strengths Shreve Island summer day camp’s staff is motivated, supportive, and experienced. We are located in a safe environment. Our affordable cost makes us more open to a larger group of people in the community. We provide educational and extracurricular activities. Weaknesses The way our program is set up, we rely a lot on outside funding, which may really effect the continuation of our program in the future. Opportunities We outreach to general public and provide many chances for people. Threats We should have to take into account competition and changes in the economy which could both effect the existence of our program. We also face the threat of my being liable while working with kids.
This survey is a post survey for parents/guardians of children who participated in the Shreve Island Summer Day Camp. Our purpose is to make sure we reached out to community children and provided them with productive opportunities. This survey is looking to measure your feelings about your experience at the camp, to make sure goals and objectives were met, to improve future program implementation. Please be kind and fill out this review. Survey: Please take a minute to fill out this survey! Circle the numbers from 1 (Not Satisfied) to 10 (Extremely Satisfied) to describe how you feel about each question. Thank you for your feedback about our facility. How would you rate your satisfaction the overall quality of our program? Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied How would you rate your satisfaction with your interactions with our academic staff and camp counselors? Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied Are you satisfied with our facility and location? Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied How do you feel about your experience with activities and programs? Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied What is your level of satisfaction with the safety and security of our facility? Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied Are you satisfied with field trips and off campus activities provided? Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied Rate your level of satisfaction with the frequency and quality of the meals. Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied Were you comfortable with the form and amount of transportation provided? Not Satisfied Satisfied Extremely Satisfied Based on your satisfaction, how likely would you be to return to our program? Not Likely Somewhat Likely Highly Likely
Conclusion Throughout this program children were able to experience a safe environment for various activities and child development. Parents and children are able to see the importance of the Shreve Island Summer Day camp and its outreach to children. In conclusion I noticed that summer day camps are extremely beneficial to early development in kids. This program has many benefits like making participants more social and pushing them to excel in life and grab much activity early. Through surveys program attendees were extremely satisfied with the benefits of a program and see it as extremely valuable. A question that I would have for parents is if they think all kids should be given this opportunity. THE END.