Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India G.V.V. Sarma Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
Disaster (As per DM Act, 2005) Disaster means a catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence affecting any area from natural and manmade causes, or by accident or negligence, which results in substantial loss of life or human suffering or damage to, and destruction of property, or damage to, or degradation of environment and is of such a nature and magnitude as to be beyond the capacity of the community of the affected areas. 2 2
Disaster events (1900-2009) Decades Hydro meteorological Geological Types Decades 1900 -09 1910 -19 1920 -29 1930 -39 1940 -49 1950 -59 1960 -69 1970 -79 1980 -89 1990 -99 2000 Total Hydro meteorological 28 72 56 120 232 463 776 1498 2034 3529 8880 78.4% Geological 40 33 37 52 60 88 124 325 354 1373 12.1% Biological 5 7 10 3 4 2 64 170 361 612 1275 11.3% 73 107 99 112 176 294 388 964 2720 4495 11328
Hazard Vulnerability in India 12% 68% 59% 3% 8%
Major Losses in India due to Disasters ( 2001-2013) Year Lives Lost Cattle Lost Houses damaged Cropped area affected (in lakh Ha) 2001-02 834 21,269 3,46,878 18.72 2002-03 898 3,729 4,62,700 21.00 2003-04 1,992 25,393 6,82,209 31.98 2004-05 1,995 12,389 16,03,300 32.53 2005-06 2,698 1,10,997 21,20,012 35.52 2006-07 2,402 4,55,619 19,34,680 70.87 2007-08 3,764 1,19,218 35,27,041 85.13 2008-09 3,405 53,833 16,46,905 35.56 2009-10 1,677 1,28,452 13,59,726 47.13 2010-11 2,310 48,778 13,38,619 46.25 2011-12 1,600 9,126 8,76,168 18.87 2012-13 984 24,360 6,71,761 15.34 2013-14 5,677 1,02,998 12,10,227 63.74 5
Disaster Management Act,2005 # Institutional Mechanism - NDMA, SDMA, DDMA NEC,SEC NDRF # Financial Arrangements- National Disaster Response Fund, State Disaster Response Fund and District Disaster Response Fund National Disaster Mitigation Fund & similar such fund at state and district levels Capacity Building Grant Response Reserve (to be created) # Capacity Development- NIDM Other institutions: Civil Defence Fire Services Home Guards
Disaster Management Policy, Plans and Guidelines National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009 National Action Plan on Climate Change-Issued by MOEF Drought Manual –Prepared jointly by MOA/ NIDM and issued by MOA. Guidelines- 26 guidelines issued by NDMA. ( National Disaster Management Plan( Cleared by NEC, to be finalised by NDMA) State and District Disaster Management Plans 7
Guidelines on Preparedness and Response (Checklist for preparedness ) Vulnerability assessment Dissemination of warning Emergency Response activities Coordination Rapid Damage Assessment Maintenance of essential services Stocking of essential commodities Medicines Drinking water Shelter/Camps Community participation Evacuation Plan Activating EOCs Search & Rescue Teams Communication Identification of Nodal Officer Status of SDRF Preparedness Drill
Mitigation and Prevention Mainstreaming DRR in development strategy- Planning Commission Constitution of a Working Group for inclusion of DRR measures in the 12th Five Year Plan Flexi Funds:- The Ministry of Finance has given detailed guidelines by their circular dated 6th January 2014 on earmarking 10% of funds of centrally sponsored releases as ‘Flexi Fund’, part of which can be utilised for disaster mitigation or for restorations works activities according to the State specific need. Such mainstreaming plan provision would address the issue appropriately to supplement the efforts of the affected State at some degree. Self Certification/ DM Audit mechanism in all Centrally sponsored schemes- Ministry of Finance All the major public infrastructure projects are to be subjected to disaster impact analysis and adopt hazard resistant construction technology to ensure structural safety against natural hazards. 9
Hazard Specific Mitigation Projects National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project –under implementation in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh (Phase-I) ; Phase II being planned for Kerala, Gujarat, West Bengal and Maharashtra National Earthquake Risk Mitigation Project - Under implementation on a pilot basis Strengthening of Fire Services – Being finalised Flood Management Programme : Ministry of Water Resources Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project : Ministry of Environment and Forests 10
Technological inputs Nodal agencies for forecasting and early warning dissemination Disaster Agency Ministry Cyclone India Meteorological Department Earth Sciences Tsunami Indian National Centre for Oceanic Information Services Earthquake Floods Central Water Commission Water Resources Landslides Geological Survey of India Mines Avalanche DRDO Defence 11
Preparedness and Response IDRN Advance procurement of material and equipment Early warning of different disasters Identification of potential hazard Dissemination of early warning Evacuation Emergency Communication Plan - to provide last mile connectivity NEOC/ SEOCs/DEOCs for effective coordination during disaster response Nodal Ministries/Departments for forecasting of various Disasters 12
Preparednes (Contd) Response Mechanism: Cabinet committee on management of Natural Calamities National Crisis Management Committee NEC State Government -SEC -DDMA -Sub-district Administration (SDM/Tehsildar, PRIs, ULBs, police, civil defence, fire services, home guards, NCC, NYK, Red Cross and civil society organisations) NDR Force SDR Force 13
Financial Arrangements (Over 5 years) Grants: 13th Finance commission- SDRF : Rs. 33, 581 Crore NDRF : Rs 17,360 Crore Capacity Building Grant : Rs. 525 Crore Disaster Response Reserve: Rs. 250 Crore- to be constituted Revamping of Fire Services (` 87519 crore to ULBs),apportion of which available for Fire Services. Plan Schemes- Strengthening of Fire and Emergency Services Rs. 700 crore Revamping of Civil Defence Rs. 300 crore Non Plan Scheme- Financial Assistance to ATIs/other training institutes ( @30 Lakhs/per institute)/@ 25 lakh/centre of Excellence Externally Aided Projects: GOI-UNDP DRR Programme - (MHA/NDMA) NCRMP ( Rs.1496.71 Crore) - (NDMA/Odisha & AP) GOI-USAID DMS Project - (MHA/NIDM/Trg. Institutes) 14
Capacity Development Institutional arrangements for capacity development at National and state level. (NIDM, Disaster Management Centers in the states, NCDC, NFSC, NDRF). Efforts are made to mainstream Capacity Development strategies in most of the ministries and Government department at National, State and District Level National Disaster Management Programme Capacity Building Grant under 13th Finance Commission 15
Key issues Priority during 'non-disaster' phase Clearance of old liabilities Inventory management Maintenance of equipment Inter-institutional coordination Operationalisation of EOCs Community involvement Role of PRIs and ULBs Dealing with media
Issues to be addressed Institutional Strengthening Strengthening of SDMA and DDMAs Strengthening capacities of Panchayat and local bodies Strengthening of Centre for Disaster Management 24 X 7 functional Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) to be functional. State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) Earmarking Battalion/Team or raising new force for the purpose. Training of the SDRF in coordination with NDRF Use of Capacity Building Grant for Training of SDRF as per the Guidelines Associating Civil Defence, Fire Services, Home Guards 17
Issues to be addressed regarding NDR Fund State Memorandum to be submitted when the SDRF is inadequate to meet the immediate relief Recourse to NDRF only in case of disaster of severe nature Memorandum to be submitted in consolidated format with supporting documents /evidences Memorandum to be submitted only for relief and immediate restoration. Long term or medium term recovery measures to be financed through other Plan schemes of the States CAG observations to be noted for future For accessing grant under the Capacity Building Grant awarded by 13th Finance Commission, annual work-plan and utilisation to be finalized by the states by 15th June 18
Challenges in Disaster Response Early Warning Systems of IMD has predicted the strength, movement of the cyclone ‘Phailin’ along with possible location of landfall with precision almost 3 days in advance. This has helped the authorities to take preemptive measures to reduce casualties. Telecommunication infrastructure can be damaged during any disaster. Back-up arrangements need to be in place, like Satellite phones for communication during disaster phase. Telecommunication companies may also arrange adequate number of mobile BTS towers for immediately restoring the telecommunication facilities in the aftermath of disaster.
Challenges in Disaster Response--contd In ecologically vulnerable tourist areas, there can be a system to register/ regulate the tourists, so that people can be effectively traced in disasters Organised and trained State Disaster Response Force has helped in tackling any disasters Equipping fire service as multi-disaster responders The Central/State Governments due to limited resources are not able to fully compensate the losses suffered by the affected people. Therefore, there is need to explore risk transfer arrangements like insurance.
Thank You 21