-HISTORY: Buckingham Palace is the London residence and principal workplace of the monarchy of the United Kingdom. It’s located in the City of Westminster. The palace is often at the centre of state ocassions and royal hospitality.
It was built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 on a site which had been in private ownership for at least 150 years. Later it was acquired by King George III in It was designed by William Winde for the first Duke of Buckingham and Normandy.
-SITE: In the Middle Ages, the site of the future palace formed part of the Manor of Ebury. In 1532, King Hery VIII acquired the hospital of St James from Eton College, and in 1536 he took the Manor of Ebury from Westminster Abbey. These transfer brought the site of Buckingham Palace back into royal hands for the first time since it had been given away almost 500 years earlier by William the conqueror.
-HOME OF THE MONARCH: Buckingham Palace finally became the principal royal residence in 1837, on the accession of queen Victoria, who was the first monarch to reside there. Before Prince Alberst’s death, the palace was frequently the scene of musical entertanment, and the greatest contemporary musicians entertained at Buckingham Palace.
Also for many years the palace was seldom used and even neglected. The first houses on the site were Goring House, Arlington House and Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham palace.
AUTHORS: -Ángela Rodríguez Ríos. -Israel Sánchez Abril. -Juan Manuel Rodríguez Gutiérrez.