biggest threat to Pakistan’s progress


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Presentation transcript:

biggest threat to Pakistan’s progress Terrorism in Pakistan biggest threat to Pakistan’s progress

Introduction To spread terror in People or frighten people of any Area in any shape to achieve some illegal Goal or Target is called Terrorism. Terrorism is the biggest threat to Pakistan’s progress. It roots can be traced back from 1979, when there was an effort to kick out Russia from Afghanistan. . But the problem became severe after 9/11 when a leader of Alqaida Usama Bin Laden attacked on World Trade Center in USA.

Introduction (continued…) After that attack he hides himself in Afghanistan. America demanded him from Afghanistan government which was in the hand of Taliban at that time. Taliban refused to America to give Osama to them. After that America decided to attack on Afghanistan to catch Osama Bin Laden for which they demanded air bases from Pakistan. Pakistan’s Government gave their bases to them to fight with Taliban. After the help of America by Pakistan, Taliban became enemies of Pakistan too. They started threatening of Pakistan’s people and started terror activities in Pakistan.  In December 2007 about 13 groups united under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud to form the Tehrik-i- Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Terror activities were started before the establishment of TTP

Background They did different activities like Suicide attacks, Kidnapping, Target Killings etc. The year wise history of Terror activities in Pakistan are as follows: In 2006, 657 terrorist attacks, including 41 of a sectarian nature, took place, leaving 907 people dead and 1,543 others injured according to Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS) security report. In 2007, 1,503 terrorist attacks and clashes, including all the suicide attacks, target killings and assassinations, resulted in 3,448 casualties and 5,353 injuries, according to the PIPS security report. In 2008, the country saw 2,148 terrorist attacks, which caused 2,267 fatalities and 4,558 injuries. .

Background Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) in its annual report indicated that there were at least 67 suicide attacks across Pakistan killing 973 people and injuring 2,318 In 2009, the worst of any year, 2,586 terrorist, insurgent and sectarian-related incidents were reported that killed 3,021 people and injured 7,334, according to the "Pakistan Security Report 2009" published by PIPS. In 2010, terrorist attacks staged in Pakistan have killed over 35,000 people, 5,000 of which are law enforcement personnel. A total of 2,782 militant, insurgent and sectarian related-terrorist's attacks were reported across the country in 2011 in which around 6,681 people were killed.

Detailed Methodology We have collected data by questionnaire from different people of different sectors and organizations of Pakistan. We have collected data from different websites, newspapers, Media Personalities, Army Officers & common people. We met all these people by ourselves. They all have given their opinion and answers of our questionnaire by their choice. We will discuss all questions in next discussion section. This Report will be helpful for the people who want to get information about Terrorism in Pakistan & also want to know about the background & purposes of Terrorism in Pakistan. We have added much information about terrorism, also causes & effects of Terrorism in Pakistan.


Conclusion From the above questionnaire we have concluded some points which are as follows: As the Standard definition of terrorism is to spread terror among people of some area through bombing, Killing Innocents, Attacking Schools, Attacking on Government Buildings & many other areas to achieve their illegal goal or target. From this, we come to know that maximum people are aware of Definition of Terrorism. Pakistan’s Population keeps on increasing year by year. Being a developing country with a large proportion of people living below the poverty line, the availability of basic resources is limited and insufficient to meet the needs of the existing population even. Unemployment is also increasing year by year, people wants basic needs of their life. Terrorists approach unemployed people & use them for their goals after giving them greed of money & many other things.

Conclusion (Continued…) After attack of 9/11 on World Trade Center in USA, America had started war in Afghanistan to catch Usama Bin Laden for which purpose Pakistan’s Government had gave Air bases of Pakistan to America. Due to which Afghan’s Taliban & Alqaeda became enemy of Pakistan. The highest economic cost of terrorism in Pakistan was in the shape of declining of foreign direct investment. Foreign Companies refused to invest in Pakistan. Tourism had been decreased in Pakistan. Foreign people refused to visit Pakistan. Afghan Refugees settled in Pakistan in a large number. Religious intolerance has been increased since last decade. People doing murder of each other in the name of religion. We can see an example of Sunni- Shia Conflicts in Pakistan.

Conclusion (Continued…) Literacy rate is very low in Pakistan. It is approx. 58-60% which is very low as compared to other developed or developing countries. Joblessness is also in a very large number. Educated people can’t get job after completing Education. Highly approached or rich people get jobs easily which shows the level of injustice in Pakistan. Terrorists approach that type of people who do not take their rights & use them for their goals. The rate of terrorist’s activities in KPK & FATA is higher than the other Provinces. Punjab comes after the KPK & FATA, In Punjab rate of terrorist’s activities in lower than the KPK & FATA.

Conclusion (Continued…) Sindh has very low rate of terrorist’s activities & Gilgit Baltistan is full free from terrorist’s activities. Pakistan Failed to fight terrorism because of the lack of proper governmental setup. Government never took fruitful steps through which finished terrorism from Pakistan. No coordination & information sharing among responsible institutes is also the cause of Pakistan’s failure. Pakistan & India are responsible for the failure of western troops in Afghanistan. Pakistan is more responsible than India. Pakistan can get rid of Terrorism by conducting justice to rich & poor people equally. By providing more jobs to the people of Pakistan & also by conducting operations on terrorist’s groups.

Recommendations With the help of our questionnaire we are recommending some points to decrease or finish terrorism from Pakistan which are as follows: Government should provide sufficient basic resources to meet the needs of the existing population. They should provide more jobs to the people of Pakistan. They should provide high education to the people of Pakistan. The dual system in Pakistan should be eliminated. They should enhance domestic and international information sharing efforts Create a lawful detainment framework for the incapacitation and lawful interrogation of terrorists.

RECOMMENDATIONS (CONTINUED…) Create a lawful detainment framework for the incapacitation and lawful interrogation of terrorists. Government should have to take fruitful steps to overcome the terrorism in Pakistan.