English Curriculum 2014 Information for Parents 25 th February 2015
Main Changes Phonics Little change although it is now a statutory requirement. Suffixes (verb endings) move from Y2 to Y1 Y1 emphasis on phonics for decoding (reading) Y2 emphasis on phonics for spelling KS2 children who are not secure with phonics skills should continue
Main Changes Focus on essential skills Grammar The grammar content is not new, but the expectations of pupil’s mastering terminology is. The curriculum details clearly when aspects of grammar should be introduced. There is an expectation that once introduced grammatical understanding is developed through revision in subsequent years. Spelling Statutory word lists have been introduced for specific year groups and give a clear indication of expected spelling levels.
Main Changes Reading for Pleasure The curriculum states that: schools should do everything to promote wider reading. This includes: Effective library provision Ambitious expectations for reading at home Children should be “encouraged” to read for pleasure Spoken Language Divided into two strands: Using discussion in order to learn Being competent in the art of speaking and listening Spoken language has become pivotal throughout the whole curriculum as a tool for learning
Main Changes Coverage to process The new curriculum does not specify genres to be covered, but insists upon a range of text types There is a new emphasis on developing the process of writing, which includes: establishing positive attitudes; developing stamina; planning/ drafting; proofreading and editing.
Formal Assessment Phonics screening Y1 New SATs KS1 (including SPaG) New SATs KS2
Help from home Spelling lists Frequent reading Asking questions to develop comprehension
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