Computer Applications Unit B Networks
Network By definition, a network is a network that allows computers to exchange data. Devices on a network that originate, route, and terminate data are called network nodes. Nodes include hosts (i.e. servers and personal computers) and networking hardware. There are local networks and then there are larger, more global networks.
Local Area Network A Local Area Network is a network that connects computers in a limited area such as a home, school, lab, or office. Current technologies use Ethernet and Wi-Fi to build LANs.
Intranet An intranet is a computer network that uses Internet Protocol technology to share information and computing services within an organization. An intranet can vary in application, as it can be part of the organization’s information technology structure, being composed of multiple local area networks.
Extranet An extranet is a computer network that allows controlled access from the outside for specific purposes. Often Extranets are just extensions of a business’s intranet.
Internetwork (internet) Not to be confused with the Internet (capital I), an internetwork or inter-net (internet) for short, is a connection of multiple networks. This is usually done by combining intranets and extranets via common routing technology. Internetworks are unified by the Internet Protocol Suite, known as TCP/IP.
Internet The most famous of all internets. The Internet. The Internet is a global system of interconnected governmental, academic, corporate, public, and private computer networks. Successor to the ARPANET developed by DARPA. The Internet is the communication backbone that forms the World Wide Web.
InternetinternetIntranet Local Area Network ComputerLaptopServerComputerTabletSmartphone Local Area Network IntranetExtranet internet