DiscoveringDevonianMicrofossils Microfossils-to-GO! Charlie Drewes Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology Iowa State University, Ames IA
What are microfossils? fossilized remains (plant, animal, protozoan) derive from hard parts (exoskeleton, endoskeleton, covering, shell, teeth) less than 1-2 mm in size (> mm) imbedded in rock or loose particles research utility (paleoenvironmental reconstruction, biostratigraphy, paleooceanography) educational use (hands-on, inquiry, discovery)
COURSES & CURRICULA: General & Advanced Biology Geology & Earth Science CONTENT THEMES: Evolution & Biodiversity Paleontology LEVEL: HS or college
DEVONIANDEVONIAN “the age of the fishes”
DEVONIAN Fossil Deposits in Iowa Rockford FROM:
x I save
small-sized granules and microfossils ▼ ▼▼ ▼
Microfossils & Accessory Tools p. 3
Microfossil Spoon p. 5
Microfossil Sorting Platform p. 5
Microfossil Widget p. 5
Transferring Microfossils p. 3
█ Foraminifera (multi-chambered shell) █ Charophyte algae (oogonia) █ Sponge (spicules) █ Bryozoa (branching or fenestrated tubes) █ Snail (coiled shell) █ Tentaculite (long, conical shell) █ Polychaete (jaws) █ Ostracod (bivalve carapace) █ Brachiopod (articulating shells) █ Crinoid (articulating, internal ossicles) █ Conodont animal (jaw apparatus) █ miscellaneous spines from unknown origin Microfossil Category Checklist p. 4
BRYOZOANS living freshwater bryozoan
annelid jaws SCOLECODONTS
OSTRACODS seed shrimp crustacean living freshwater ostracod
BRACHIOPODS lamp shells
CRINOIDS sea lilies echinoderms
CONODONTSCONODONTS hypothetical conodont animal
unidentified spines, etc
Microfossils-to-GO ! from: Microfossils-to-GO ! A hands-on workshop presented by C. Drewes at 2004 National Association of Biology Teachers Convention, Chicago, IL WORKSHOP & WRITE-UP DESCRIPTION: Emphasis on collecting, cleaning, handling, and visualizing Devonian microfossils. Free samples of microfossils, tools for handling, and CD with macro- and micro-fossil image galleries
TO REQUEST COPY OF STUDENT LAB WRITE-UP ON MICROFOSSILS, please contact C. Drewes at: PHONE: (515) MAIL: Dr. Charlie Drewes, Rm 503 Science II Bldg (EEOB), Iowa State University Ames, IA WEB: