Young Marines Monthly Financial Reporting
New Financial Report-Page 1 Name of Unit and StateMonth/Year _________________________________________________________________________ Type of Account (Checking, Savings, Cash, etc.) Beginning Account Balance (should agree with bank statement beginning balance) $ - INCOME EXPENSES Fundraising or Contributions Income Unit Activities If restricted by donor for a specific purpose, list purpose: Fundraising Expense Dues or Registration Fees Collected from a member (YM or Adult) of your Unit Equipment Purchases that cost over $500 Give Description of Equipment: Interest / Dividend Income Amounts RECEIVED from another Unit, Amounts PAID to another Unit, Battalion, Battalion, Regiment, or Division Regiment, or Division Please list each unit, BN, Reg, Div with the amount received from each for encampment, annual dues, etc: paid to each for encampment, regular dues, etc: Unit Name: Amounts Received from Headquarters Amounts Paid to Headquarters Money transferred to this bank account from Money transferred from this bank account to another account held by your unit Other Income (only income that does not fall into a Other Expenses (only expenses that do not fall into a a category above) Total Income $ - Total Expenses $ - Ending Checkbook Balance (should agree with bank statement end balance) $ - I certify that the reconciled bank balance agrees with the checkbook balance. Signature of Unit CommanderSignature of Unit Paymaster (or Person Reconciling Acct) Please list any items worth over $500 that were donated to your unit and the value of the donation: 1. $ - 2. $ - 3. $ - Return completed reports, along with a copy of the bank statement to: AMBASSADOR ACCOUNTING INC 7521 PRESIDENTIAL LANE, MANASSAS, VA Phone (703) Fax (703) NOTE: Units are required to retain ALL receipts, deposit slips, bank statements and any other supporting documentation for auditing purposes. Unit Name and State Month/Year Type of Account Separate reports for each account Beginning Balance Should agree with ending balance from prior month Should agree with beginning bank balance Total Income Add income breakdown to verify it agrees with Total Income amount Total Income should agree with bank statement deposits/credits Total Expenses Add expense breakdown to verify it agrees with Total Expense amount Total Expenses should agree with bank statement checks/debits Ending Checkbook Balance Beginning Balance + Total Income – Total Expenses Should match bank statement ending balance Signatures Reports must be signed by CO and Paymaster ed reports must capture original signatures
Monthly Financial Report-Page 2 Itemized Record, Subject to Review Do not send to Ambassador Accounting Keep for your records. DETAIL FOR CERTAIN INCOME Dues or Registration Fees for a member (YM or adult) of your unit: Regular Unit Level Dues$0.00 Dues collected to be sent to HQ$0.00 Fees for the unit's special activities or events$0.00 Fees collected for YM events, schools, encampments, programs, etc. put on by another Unit, BN, Reg, Div, or HQ$0.00 Total (agrees with page 1)$0.00 Other Income (only income that does not fall into a category above) Amounts collected for Uniforms, Books, Tshirts, etc.$0.00 Refunds received for purchases made (for items you returned, etc.)$0.00 Funds reimbursed to the Unit (such as return of unused funds that were advanced or withdrawn for cash needs at an event)$0.00 Other: (describe)$0.00 Other: (describe)$0.00 Other: (describe)$0.00 Total (agrees with page 1)$0.00 DETAIL FOR CERTAIN EXPENSES Unit Activities Costs of regular meetings (food, supplies, etc.)$0.00 Office Supplies, Rent, Utilities, Phone, etc.$0.00 Costs of special activities (do not include amounts paid to other units, BN, Reg, Div, or HQ here)$0.00 Total (agrees with page 1)$0.00 Equipment purchases that cost over $500: List equipment:$0.00 List equipment:$0.00 List equipment:$0.00 Total (agrees with page 1)$0.00 Other Expenses (only expenses that do not fall into a category above) Other: (describe)$0.00 Other: (describe)$0.00 Other: (describe)$0.00 Total (agrees with page 1)$0.00
Income INCOME Fundraising or Contributions Income If restricted by donor for a specific purpose, list purpose: Dues or Registration Fees Collected from a member (YM or Adult) of your Unit Interest / Dividend Income Amounts RECEIVED from another Unit, Battalion, Regiment, or Division Please list each unit, BN, Reg, Div with the amount received from each for encampment, annual dues, etc: Unit Name: Amounts Received from Headquarters Money transferred to this bank account from another account held by your unit Other Income ( only income that does not fall into a a category above) Total Income $ - Fundraising or Contributions Income Now Lumped together Dues or Registration See Page 2 of Financial Report Amounts received from another unit Be sure to list unit name and exact dollar amount from each unit Amounts received from Headquarters Any money received from HQTRs only Money Transferred from another account Between accounts that belong to your unit-- i.e. Checking, Savings, or Money Market Other Income Voided and NSF checks: List what check was originally written for Merchandise Income Refunds—Give detail of what was originally purchased Reimbursements
Expenses EXPENSES Unit Activities Fundraising Expense Equipment Purchases that cost over $500 Give Description of Equipment: Amounts PAID to another Unit, Battalion, Regiment, or Division Please list each unit, BN, Reg, Div with the amount paid to each for encampment, regular dues, etc: Unit Name: Amounts Paid to Headquarters Money transferred from this bank account to another account held by your unit Other Expenses ( only expenses that do not fall into a a category above) Total Expenses $ - Unit Activities Meetings, Food, Supplies, Office Supplies, Rent, Utilities, Phone, Special Activities Do not include amounts paid to other units or Headquarters Fundraising Expenses Equipment Purchases over $500 List description of Equipment Amounts paid to another Unit Give exact amount and unit name Amounts paid to Headquarters Money transferred within the unit Between accounts that belong to your unit-- i.e. Checking, Savings, or Money Market Other Expenses Any NSF checks received (tell who they were from and what it was for Any other expenses that you did not already list on report—give description
Errors to Avoid Sending wrong month/Skipping a month Beginning with the wrong Balance This should always be the ending balance from the prior month Forgetting to send Bank Statement/or Sending wrong Bank Statement Not adding report figures correctly Make sure you don’t leave an item off report and then just use total from Bank Statement Please use calculator to make sure everything adds up to bottom total Faxing pages upside down Not providing any contact information ***Note: We send Headquarters the updated unit Compliance Report on Friday mornings at 9 a.m. EST.